Learning In Unconfined Environment

The word education is composed of two Latin words Educare, which means to nourish, and Educated, which means the act of teaching and training. And philosophy is a way of thinking about society, the world, and the universe. In conjunction with, the educational philosophy is the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions about nature. It refers not only to teachers' beliefs but also to the ideology of a teacher about teaching methodology. The concept of the methodology is varying from one person to another.

Therefore, my educational philosophy is, education should not be confined to the four walls of a building. I believe education is knowledge and knowledge is infinite. We perceive knowledge through reality, and we cannot condense reality. So, acquisition of knowledge should be through experience not by cramming books.

In a traditional education system, teachers stand in front of students and teaching them predetermined facts in predetermined conditions. This type of education is more restrictive than informative.

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I believe a teacher should be more like a facilitator that guides students on where to go to find information. As Drake states that, “the key to human endeavor is the open mind” (Snelgrove). Additionally, there are some institutions that support factory model schooling. Since they make schools an industry to prosper their multimillion-dollar business, they confine learning in four walls. They consider students are commodities and they execute pedagogies for their profit. consequently, these institutions are generating robots instead of intellectualists. However, the purpose of education is to evoke cognitive skills and to assist learner to acquire higher-order thinking skills.

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When we restrict education to a set location, we segregate student abilities to one region. If we taught our children how to live in a more global economy, they would learn how to have a greater impact on the world.

From my personal standpoint, progressivism is an educational philosophy that insulates my educational philosophy. Because progressivists believe that education should be a part of student life, not just a preparation for life. Since we can experience the world through our perception, they believe that schools should help students experience real life. They also advocate educating the whole child, not just the mind (Karhoff). It is also true that a great percentage of high school students learn through hands-on experience and visual demonstrations, but most learning is teacher-centered.

Next, teachers can take this open classroom concept at a further level by incorporating open pedagogies. A Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument asserts that an accomplished teacher utilizes resources skillfully that are available beyond the classroom walls to enhance student learning and their own professional skills (Danielson). In unrestricted classroom teachers engage students in real work, that stimulate student curiosity to produce new products that they can share in public. Westheimer and Kahne also suggest that “for beneficial learning experience all students should involve in the “social” model of learning” (Webb, Metha, Jordan, P:80). For instance, last year, at my daughter’s school they celebrate Chinese New Year. Students were immersed in the culture, foods, and beliefs of China. This experience led to many seek out additional information about China and its beliefs. Similarly, schools can utilize community resources to educate children’s such as, they can plant and care trees to study forest and wildlife development, they can visit farms to study different and various type of vegetative growth, also students can take to community health centers to learn about juvenile delinquency and mental health concerns. Consequently, students with pursuing lifelong learning that will enhance social sustainability and personal development on a professional base. After all the sense-realism also confirms that “knowledge comes through the sense” (Webb, Metha, Jordan, P: 61). In other words, hands-on learning and sense-perception synchronously assist learner to build the new subject matter.

Most importantly, Progressivism seeks to improve the relevance of learning objectives and the effectiveness of delivery. The context and mode in which something is taught deeply impact the retention of information. As Dewey suggests that, the democratic community should incorporate the “moral, economic, educational, political goal” in order to prepare and participate in a democratic society (Webb, Metha, Jordan, P: 80). This model of learning is also democratizing education, by making it affordable accessible, and attainable for students who belong to low-income backgrounds.

Moreover, the curriculum in progressivism is child-centered, peer centered, growth centered, and community-centered. In this method of learning Students interact with nature and understand the purpose of autonomous learning that enables them to nurture democracy through social and cultural reforms. In this unconditional learning environment teachers provide a horizontal layer of support across all areas. But this model requires to improve digital infrastructure, access to coaching and mentorship, and stronger student engagement. Because increased engagement is driven by improved contextualization and relevance.

In conclusion, unconfined leaning focuses on molding the character of students and it instills discipline in learners to make them accountable and responsible citizens.

Danielson, Charlotte. (2011 and 2013 Editions). Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument.

Karhoff, Kimberly J. (2003). Analysis of Four Current Educational Philosophies and Their
Impact on Science Education: Towards a Reformed Christian Philosophy of Science Education,https://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1077&context=med_thes
Snelgrove, David. (vol 60). Journal of Philosophy and History of Education,

Webb, Metha, Jordan. (2013). Foundation of American Education. (Seventh Edition).
United States of America. Pearson

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Learning In Unconfined Environment. (2020, Sep 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/learning-in-unconfined-environment-essay

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