Leadership Development Model in Army

The Army leadership development model (LDM) focuses on creating more rounded soldiers who are better equipped to handle training subordinates. According to AR 350-1, there are three phases of the Leadership Development Model; operational, institutional and self-development domain.

Institutional Domain focuses on what a soldier can do to improve themselves. It includes schools like BLC/ALC (AR 350-1). The Institutional Domain does not stop at Enlisted. Officers have to go to a capstone class whenever they are promoted. Like Enlisted, Officers build off the education and experience that they have gained working in their MOS.

Learning does not stop at the classroom. It continues beyond that. As an individual, the soldier has to learn to work on improving themselves. Like becoming a subject matter expert in their career field. This is something that a soldier has complete control of, they can improve themselves by seeking better opportunities. For example, they can get certified in their MOS, or read up on the regulations that go along with their MOS so leaders have the ability to make on the spot corrections.

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While the Institutional Domain focuses on what the individual can do, Operational Domain looks at the unit as a whole. The unit has to complete the Mission essential task list (METL) that the commander has put out (AR 350-1). NCO’s and lower Enlisted are tasked to get proficient at the institutional level. it is the commander’s job to get the unit ready so they are able to complete the METL.

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In order to complete the METL, the commander has to make sure that everyone is proficient in his or her MOS. This requires training at a unit or a company level. A few examples can be Sergeant Time Training, NTC, organizing ranges, and combat training centers. Where Commanders assign leaders to teach classes such as SHARP, EO and other quarterly training.

Finally, there is Self-Development. Both Operational and Institutional Domains focus on how a soldier and commander can better themselves so the company as a whole can get better. Self-Development domain looks at a soldier’s education level. The domain recognizes that the army requires continuous life-long learning in order to improve themselves in the Army and outside of it (AR 350-1).

Self-Development is not just targeted towards a soldier’s career in the Army, it also helps them become competitive when they become a civilian. There are several tools that are in place for the soldier to use. A soldier can look at the Army career tracker (ACT). The ACT shows soldiers what qualifications that they need to have in order to prepare themselves for a career outside the army. It is a soldier’s job to ask the platoon sergeant what they can do in order to improve themselves. It is the NCO and commanders’ job to encourage soldiers to maximize self-development.

In order for a soldier to be competitive, a soldier has to learn continuously throughout their Army careers. This means doing correspondence courses, college, and certificates. However, self-development has to be targeted towards a common goal (AR 350-1).

Individual soldiers must regularly assess strengths and weakness. This can be done through self-assessment and counselings. Counselings can be positive or negative, and give a soldier an idea in the direction that they need to go in. They provide a systematic action plan that soldiers can follow step by step. Counselings ensure that the NCO’s are paying attention to their soldiers. Not only do counseling’s provide a direction for the soldiers, but they lay the foundation for awards and punishments. There are also monthly counseling’s that allow the NCO to tell the soldier what they are expected to do for that upcoming month.

One domain is not more important than the other. They build on each other using teaching, education, and experience to give the soldier the tools that they need to be a better leader.

Throughout the Leadership Development Model, soldiers are constantly receiving training education and experience. The institutional Domain requires other soldiers to pass on their expertise and train and educate new members of the unit. The commander is using her past experience in order to build a better training experience for the unit. Self-Development provides a better education for the soldier as a whole.

The Leadership Development Model is a key factor in unit readiness. It provides a layout to produce leaders who are more proficient and can adapt to new situations. Both officers and enlisted need to work on all three domains in order to create a better work environment where soldiers are willing to better themselves, and the unit.

Updated: Dec 13, 2021
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Leadership Development Model in Army. (2021, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/leadership-development-model-in-army-essay

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