Leadership: Charismatic and Transformational Leader

Categories: Leadership


Leadership is implemented in the medical, military, business, industries and many other fields to reach their vision. The leaders should change their style or improve their tactics to bring the change in an organization. The leader should adopt some new leadership style to guide the followers and to handle the situation in the organization. This research paper discusses the application of transformational leadership and charismatic leadership can solve the issue between the leaders and followers who have a huge age gap between them.

By applying the transformational leadership style help the senior leaders to communicate with young followers whereas charismatic leadership can help the young leaders to guide the senior citizen followers. The leaders should change their style to bring the change in the organization.

Keywords: Leadership and change, Organization, Leadership styles


Leadership is the global concept helpful for people's growth in a society or in an organization. Leadership is defined as the power of influencing any individual or a group of members to achieve their goals.

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Leadership is a powerful medium for communicating with others. A leader should have the qualities of motivation and inspiration. The motivational quality for a leader can help the followers to do the best work in their fields whereas the inspirational quality of a leader can help the followers to follow the leader to achieve success in their fields.

Leadership is implemented in the medical, military, business, industries and many other fields to reach their vision. Some of the organizations define leadership quality is a must and should qualify for the employees to achieve greater heights or positions in their respective fields.

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Leadership tactics and leadership powers are the key concepts helpful in the study of leadership. Leadership concepts are changing generation to generation. The result has been the improved probability of contention among scholastics and senior pioneers, forecasting the requirement for increasingly connected with and more extensive way to deal with authority (Jones & Harvey, 2017).

Background of Study

A leader is helpful for an organization or for a group of people to drive on the right path to achieve their visions. The leadership styles are changing in the change of environment and culture. The updated technology needs the leaders with good technical knowledge similarly the leadership styles will change from culture to other cultures. The change of leadership is one of the key factors to be concentrated by an individual person who wants to become a good leader. A good leader should have communicated efficiently with the other people, A good leader should have proper knowledge about the plan of execution, and A leader should have the positive attitude of receiving suggestions towards the followers, and A leader should show respect to the followers' beliefs. The initiative is frequently seen as the key to effective change. Change administration is the capacity to impact and enthuse others through close to home backing, vision, and drive, and to get to assets to manufacture a strong stage for change (Jones & Harvey, 2017).

The Reasons for Leaders Should Adopt Change

The world is updating its formula in the medical, military, industries and all the fields in day to day life so, A leader should update himself that helps him/her to become a good leader in any organization or for a group. To lead a group of persons in an organization, a leader should have enough potential in all the accepts and Moreover, the leader should be in a position of accepting the change and capability of adapting to the new styles of leadership in the organization or in a team to achieve their goals.

Compelling initiative improvement endeavours require individuals to glimpse inside themselves first before they look past themselves. 'The best blessing an instructor can offer is to get someone to become self-intelligent' (Pausch, 2007).

To adequately lead their associations, all boss officials need to have the mindfulness of how their notorieties, practices, choices, and inactions sway their condition and their groups. The best chiefs learn not just what new things to take on to be fruitful later, yet what conduct or characteristics they need to shed on the grounds that those characteristics will longer serve them in new conditions (Goldsmith, 2007).

Methods to Adopt for a Leader to Change

A leader should adopt some changes to lead the followers in the long run. The leadership concept depends on the 3 categories. Those are leaders, followers, and situations. If a leader has enough strength to handle these categories than the leader can become a role model for the followers. Based on these categories the leadership styles are designed.

For an organization's view, the leader should adopt some steps apart from the leadership style. A leader should have efficient knowledge about the work, and capable of making a proper infrastructure i.e., distribution of the work based on the employee’s categories, Moreover the leader should have an idea about the talent of the employee. A leader should assign the work to the employee based on their capabilities. The leader should be able to explain clearly the plan and drive them so that the followers can reach the vision of the organization. A leader should conduct the surveys about the work and should receive and accept the suggestions or feedbacks provide by the employees. Solve the problems of the employees and work smoothly. This is the right moment for a leader to implement his new ideas in the organization. Monitor the changes that happen due to the implementation of new ideas, try to rectify it and show better results to the organizations.

Example of leaders should adopt some leadership styles to change in an Organization.

If the leaders do not change their style and implementation of old methods cannot make them a recognizable leader. Some of the leaders in the organization are senior citizens they are not updated to new generation ideas and the new generation employee maintains a small hesitation to share ideas with elder leaders. The same thing happens when a younger leader leads an organization consists of senior citizens as employees makes impacts because of a younger leader hard to command on the senior citizen employee about the work. Some of the senior employees’ chance of showing disrespect to the young leaders in view of their age difference. These age gap between leader and followers can see in almost all organizations.

To overcome this type of issues the leaders should adopt some leadership styles. There are 7 types of leadership styles. To solve the above example the leaders should adopt the transformational and charismatic leadership to achieve the change in followers and getting command on the situations.

Implementation of Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is one of the major leadership styles is used to implement the major change in the organization or in a group. Transformational leadership is defined as the leadership style in which the leaders will inspire, encourage and motivate the employee or the followers make them to think and create the change that help in mutual growth of the organization and employees to shape the future success of the organization (Eisenbeiß & Boerner, 2010).

Transformational leadership is created to be successful in reaching the goals of the organisation, increasing the commitment to the organisation and strengthen the process during these objectives of the organisations (Yukl, 1994). Transformational leadership helps in solving our example issue, When the senior citizens are leader for the organization, they need to be in a position of encouraging new talents in the organization. As a senior leader they should motivate their employees by sharing their experiences and should develop the positive attitude in them. The senior leader should create the ethical work environment, Moreover the leaders should respect the values of the employees. A leader should build the healthy company culture that should create the employee attitude as induvial benefit to the organization growth. As a senior leader or younger leader, should provide an open communication, they should provide the chance to speak these can help the organization to know their drawbacks and the employees struggles in organization. As a senior leader, I need to train them efficiently that help in their future.

Transformational leadership help to realign the qualities and standards of their association, and when essential, to oblige and advance both inner and outer change. All the creators concur that transformational pioneers can determine duty, reliability, and inclusion from the supporters and propel them to a more elevated level of execution and the accomplishment of more significant level objectives by associating individual and aggregate needs. Right now, pioneers can accomplish a positive change of both the association and hierarchical individuals. They urge supporters to have faith in themselves and in their central goal and to achieve objectives that adherents would not have typically cultivated (Devi & Mahajans, 2019)

Implementation of Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leadership is essential for the leaders in any organization. The leaders are highly skilled communicators that means they can communicate with followers on a deep and share their emotional thoughts. They able to articulate a vision, and to build a strong emotion bond in followers.

Charismatic leadership is one of the old methods, yet it is successfully applied and given better results for the leaders. In an organization, the younger leaders effectively guide the senior employee, the charismatic leadership can help these young leaders, the young leaders should communicate effectively with supporters. They should maintain strong points and views about the topic which they are talking about. The young leaders should have enough maturity to deal with the senior employees i.e., don’t be childish with them. Humility is one of the key factors to become a good leader. Be humble with the supporters and be available for them. A younger leader should respect their age of senior employees or senior citizen supporters, moreover, they should have some sympathy for the followers. A young leader should be constant in making decisions. Treating all the followers equally can improve leadership skills. Be a young leader or senior leader, a leader should always in a positive attitude towards the followers, these can achieve when you ideology develop as a mistake from a follower leads to some benefit to the company or Instead of scolding followers for mistake, teach them how to rectify the mistake. Listening skill is one of the key factors a leader should develop to achieve success. A leader should give enough scope for the followers to speak or share views. By following the above principles, a young/ senior leader can successfully drive the followers to achieve the vision of an organization.


Leadership is a universal concept applicable in all fields like medical, military, organizations, industries, etc. The leader should have some styles to be implemented to achieve great succus to reach their vision. Leaders should be updated to the present generation world. In an organizational change of worlds, A leader should implement the new ideas and concepts to bring the change in the organization.

In this paper, leaders should implement new ideas to bring the change in the organization. Any leader can face difficulties to guide the followers at any point. This can be happened because of situations, followers and a leader in capabilities. To overcome these difficulties, the leaders should adopt leadership styles accordingly. For example, in an organization when a senior leader guides young follower, the leader can adopt the transformational leadership to get a better result. Similarly, when a young leader leads a senior citizen employee, the leaders should learn the charismatic leadership. This leadership can help inbound between the leaders and followers.

Implementation of leadership styles in the organization is successful, transformational leadership is successful among all leadership styles for change in the organization. According to the sources found in references, transformational leadership can help the leaders to build a bond with supporters and charismatic leadership is the next successfully implemented in an organization for the change.

The leader should adopt some new methods to handle the situation and helps the followers to reach their success. These adoption methods can be changed from leader to leader or the organization to organization. The leadership skills can help the building the personality and helps for the better success of the society.


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Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Leadership: Charismatic and Transformational Leader. (2021, Apr 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/leadership-charismatic-and-transformational-leader-essay

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