Essay on Moral Dilemma and Familial Pressures

Categories: Andre Dubus

Within the complex interplay of societal expectations, personal ethics, and familial obligations, individuals often find themselves grappling with moral dilemmas that profoundly impact their lives. The case of Matt, torn between the coercive demands of his family and his innate reluctance to commit a grave act, exemplifies the conflicting forces that shape human actions.

The Weight of Reluctance

Matt, in a gripping internal struggle, faces the daunting prospect of taking a life. Despite harboring resentment and anger towards Richard, he fundamentally opposes the notion of killing.

His hesitancy is evident in his hopes to avoid the confrontation, seeking solace in the possibility of Richard being among friends, allowing for a simple departure. The absence of desired circumstances solidifies the coercive nature of his situation, highlighting his lack of genuine intent to carry out the act.

Upon observing Richard's ostensibly solitary lifestyle, Matt contemplates the existence of a significant other in Richard's life. This realization triggers a wave of empathy, as he envisions the grief and loss that Richard's partner might experience.

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This internal conflict, rooted in moral qualms and empathetic considerations, showcases Matt's inner turmoil, emphasizing his inherent aversion to committing the impending atrocity.

Familial Obligations and Emotional Isolation

Compounding Matt's dilemma are the compelling expectations imposed by his family and friends. The pressure exerted by his loved ones, seeking retribution for Frank's demise, coerces Matt into a path he reluctantly treads. His compliance with the demand to avenge Frank's death demonstrates the power dynamics within familial relationships, where the burden of fulfilling expectations outweighs personal convictions.

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However, the aftermath of the act exposes a profound emotional chasm between Matt and his family. His wife's singular concern about Richard's demise in relation to their son's murder exemplifies the emotional disconnect prevailing within the family unit. Matt's isolation intensifies as he grapples with the weight of guilt and remorse, unable to bridge the emotional gulf separating him from his family. The poignant moment when his suppressed sob reverberates in solitude epitomizes his profound emotional isolation.

Consequences and Unrelenting Guilt

Matt's descent into the irreversible act of taking another life underscores the complexity of moral decision-making under duress. Despite succumbing to familial pressures and executing the deed, the aftermath is a haunting burden of guilt and remorse that he must carry perpetually. His inability to share this emotional turmoil with his family exacerbates his isolation, accentuating the alienation he experiences.

In essence, the narrative of Matt's struggle elucidates the clash between familial obligations and personal convictions. The anguish stemming from conflicting emotions, the weight of familial expectations, and the resultant isolation paint a vivid portrait of the intricate moral labyrinth individuals navigate when faced with profound ethical quandaries.


In the intricate fabric of human morality, Matt's narrative serves as a compelling testament to the intricate interplay between personal ethics and familial pressures. His journey, fraught with conflicting emotions and coerced actions, delineates the enduring consequences of succumbing to external demands at the expense of internal ethical turmoil. Matt's plight stands as a poignant reminder of the perennial struggle individuals face when confronted with moral dilemmas entrenched within the web of societal expectations and personal principles.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Essay on Moral Dilemma and Familial Pressures essay
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