Gambling in Chinese Culture: Contemplation on Morality and Regulation

Categories: Gambling

In my culture, the somewhat money-orientated Chinese culture, betting is nothing however everyday home entertainment, something to inhabit yourselves with over a cup of tea or some rice red wine with friends, a must-do during family parties on Chinese New Year, or a fun activity you see going on under a tree in a random park. That is our variation of betting, or Majhong, as we call it. However, in the last few years, as the western world attacked Asia, increasingly more "gambling establishments" or "pachinko slots" have started mushrooming all over the country, and you often hear news of individuals combating, even resorting to murder, over disputes of cash lost over gambling.

It brings us to think hard about the morality of betting.

Sure, it is the individual liberty of a private to select whether he or she desires to gamble or not, however should the government concern licenses to these gambling venues? From my viewpoint, betting is not immoral, as long as it does not end up being addictive.

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Firstly, betting venues are constructed on huge pieces of land that, typically, building and construction business would never lay eyes on. It could bring big sums of tax to the government, which could utilize it for other functions and construct helpful centers without having to ask people for more tax.

Also, because these locations make a large amount of earnings currently, there would be less issues when it concerns asking them to pay tax, unlike great deals of other services that often find loopholes to sneak out of tax paying.

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Second of all, if you pertain to consider it, betting is just another kind of entertainment, which keeps individuals minds off their work or tension for a while, and might really decrease the number of individuals committing criminal offenses on the streets because they have nothing else much better to do.

That is, as long as the gamblers don't fume in their heads and cause conflict. Finally, as we can clearly see from gambling paradises such as Las Vegas, or the aspiring Macau, these betting places can in fact promote tourism and promote the regional economy! Some people take a trip half way throughout the world to take pleasure in a night in among these gambling establishments, and under well control so as not to impact local citizen's lives, it is no doubt a one-way ticket to making the city a prosperous, thriving tourist hot-spot. Responsible gambling is nothing but safe fun.

Irresponsible gambling, on the other hand, in which the gambler loses property essential for living, or money that doesn’t belong to him, is immoral and should be stopped at all costs. Instead of arguing over whether or not gambling should be legalized, I think the government should spend more time on thinking which venues it should issue a license to. These casinos are merely another sort of business, where businessmen make money, and consumers willingly come to spend money. For the above three reasons, I believe that gambling is not that much of a vice then most people think it is.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Gambling in Chinese Culture: Contemplation on Morality and Regulation. (2017, Apr 25). Retrieved from

Gambling in Chinese Culture: Contemplation on Morality and Regulation essay
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