Internet Addiction and Subjective Wellbeing

The study on various behavioral addictions has shown that such addictions have impacts on the social wellbeing of individual. However, the addictions are developed as a result of the unstable social wellbeing such as lowliness, depression and low self-esteem. According to Ayas and Horzum (2013), they explained that internet addiction among adolescent or teenagers has emerged because of the rapid and excessive internet misuse and explosion. In their study to determine the relationship between depression, loneliness, self-esteem, and internet addiction, they analyzed the effects of depression, loneliness and self-esteem to predict the levels of internet addiction among the secondary school students.

The study sampled 292 participants who had been registered in the Trabzon College in the 2009-2010 academic years. The study found out that there is a significant relationship between internet addiction with depression, self-esteem and loneliness variables. Thus, the important variables in internet addiction are depression, loneliness, and self-esteem while the significant predictor on internet addiction is depression and loneliness. This study has led to the gap to determine the impact on the internet addiction on both frequent and non-frequent internet use on social wellbeing, loneliness and self-esteem among adolescents.

In another study conducted by Bahrainian, Alizadeh, Raeisoon, Gorji, and Khazaee (2014) to determine the relationship of internet addiction with self-esteem and depression among university students suggested that self-esteem, depression, and internet addiction are correlated.

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In the descriptive-analytical correlation, which involved 408 university students in the teenage-aged years, the evaluation of the students through the Beck Depression Invention found out that 40.7% of the students had internet addiction arising from self-esteem.

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Bahrainian et al. (2014) found out that there is a significant correlation between depression, self-esteem, and internet addiction. In regression analytical approach, depression and self-esteem predict the variance of internet addiction among the adolescent leveled university students. The levels of self-esteem and depression determine the level of internet addiction. Based on this study, the gap between social wellbeing among frequent and non-frequent internet user and the impact of the social wellbeing on self-esteem and loneliness variables needs to be studied to explore how the variables interlink in internet addiction teenage behaviors.

What are the phenomenon/theories you will be examining?

The social psychology phenomena that will be examined in this proposal is the social wellbeing of adolescents. There has been an increased rate of internet consumption behavior among adolescent, which has attracted the interest, and attention of many studies (Błachnio, Przepiorka, Boruch, W., & Bałakier, 2016; Van Rooij et al., 2017; Çikrıkci, 2016). Loneliness and low self-esteem is a reported mental variable and issue leading to internet addiction and a factor that affects social wellbeing, which translated into a behavior change. This proposal will tend to explore the phenomenon of internet addiction in the social wellbeing of the adolescents and the impact or relationships between the psychopathological symptoms, which include loneliness, and self-esteem. The human experience perspective suggests that some human behaviors are developed in a compensation nature; this implies that one an individual undergoes a specific phenomenon; he or she will develop the ultimate behavior aimed at attaining a specific fulfillment. For instance, unstable social wellbeing as a result of low self-esteem and loneliness leading to the development of internet addiction behavior.

What is the aim of the research proposal (what do you want to achieve)?

This research proposal aims to investigate whether frequent and non-frequent internet use among adolescent affects their social wellbeing and how social wellbeing impact on adolescents’ self-esteem and loneliness. The study will focus on exploring whether unstable social wellbeing variables such as self-esteem variable and loneliness variable has a relationship with the internet addiction behavior among the adolescent age groups. This study will further provide an understanding on how the social wellbeing variables may contribute to the development of the internet addition behaviors, conversely, the implication will also suggest the focus variable to reduce the rate of internet addiction among adolescents.

What is/are your hypothesis/es?

It is hypothesized that there will no significant relationship between internet addiction and social wellbeing for both frequent and non-frequent groups of internet users. Secondly, it will also be hypothesized that social wellbeing of the adolescents has no significant impact on the self-esteem and loneliness of the adolescent. Finally, it is also hypothesized that self-esteem and loneliness variables have no relationship with the development of internet addiction behavior among teenagers or adolescents aged groups.

What do you expect?

It is expected that there is a close relationship between social wellbeing and internet addiction for both frequent and non-frequent adolescent users. In addition, it is also expected that adolescents’ social wellbeing has an impact on self-esteem and lowliness feelings among adolescents. This implies that social wellbeing will determine whether an individual will develop the feelings of loneliness, high or low self-esteem. Finally, it is also expected that the feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem (unstable social wellbeing) will contribute to the development of internet addiction behaviors.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Internet Addiction and Subjective Wellbeing. (2020, Sep 11). Retrieved from

Internet Addiction and Subjective Wellbeing essay
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