Intelligence LED Policing (ILP)

In the U. S. policing the ILP application has faced various challenges that has led to the complication of the policing model. On top of the 9/11 stimulation, the move towards ILP has been advanced by various initiatives of the public policy. Therefore, due to the varied demands, ILP has been integrated with community policing so as to achieve these new standards. Though widely used by the police services, ILP clarity in its definition and elementary conceptions has hardly been understood.

ILP uses the intelligence from covert information as a resource for strategic planning rather than as a way of budding specific evidence for a case.

It puts more emphasis on crime intelligence and data analysis in making decisions that smooth the progress of problem and crime reduction, distraction and preclusion by means of strategic management and enforcements strategies that are effective on inexhaustible and somber offenders and criminal groups. Moreover, through crime intelligence analysis, ILP identifies the criminal offenders as threats via a top-down approach that is managerially steered.

Through this approach, is also deals with issues of public trust without necessarily involving crime control elucidation (Ratcliffe, 2008).

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In preventing past misconducts, this model organises a Compstat along the administrative units of the police to effect the changes. Through these Compstat meetings, crime patterns that occurred in the past are reviewed. In the review, commanders identify the hot spot for crime and disorder through crime analysis and necessary action is taken by the police officers.

The combination of crime intelligence and crime analysis help direct the police resource decisions more objectively through prioritisation.

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In addition, the prevention of past crimes in achieved through the utilisation of the three i-models between the decision maker, crime intelligence analysis and the criminal environment. This model is made up of interpret, influence and impact. The decision makers have to bring impact to the criminal environment, the analysts for crime intelligence interpret this environment with intelligence to influence the decision makers (Ratcliffe, 2008).

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Intelligence LED Policing (ILP). (2016, Sep 25). Retrieved from

Intelligence LED Policing (ILP) essay
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