Informative Speech on Early Childhood Education

"Whatever the mind can conceived, it can be achieved" - such is the immortal axiom of Dale Carnegie, which has become a universal motivational tool to enhance performance and uncover untapped potentials. But the validity of this maxim does not hold true only for adults, but for the young ones as well - even for the unborn, pulsating fetus in a mother's womb. Would you believe that infants are like little computers? At the University of British Columbia, Canada, an experiment was conducted with the objective to gauge how the brain of an eight-month-old girl would react to words using small electrode capped to her head.

And you know what have they found out? : study has deduced that infants, like little computers, learn by statistically analyzing the impressions they receive! It was further found out that even young babies could tell when there is a gap of only 16 milliseconds between the sounds! Can you imagine that brainpower of a baby! That is why advocates stressed that the impact of enhancing brain development right in the first five years, or even in the prenatal stage, is so great that you want to do it right from the very start.

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And why is this so?

– Simply because at age 0 to 5 years, development of human brain is greater than any other stages of his entire life. Earl Morrison shows how different body features changes over time. The most factual revelation of it is that Head Size and Brain weight develop almost completely at age 5 years compared to other body features, while all features attain full changes upon the age of 18. (Morrison) In short, 90% of brain's physical development is happening at 0-5 years of human life, the early childhood stage, the critical stage when brain assimilations of information is great and prompt nurturing is timely right.

Similar demand for physical nurturing holds true for fetus in the womb.

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Books, on human physiology reveals that infant nutrition really begins during fetal life. Most evidence indicates that the human fetus is entirely parasitic and will take nearly everything it requires for nutrition from the mother, even if this depletes her tissues! The food intake is proportionally higher in infancy and childhood than in adult life because basal metabolism is higher at this stage. (Arnow) Prenatal enrichment has been practiced for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Chinese.

A research of Dr. Brent Logan at the Educational Development Foundation, in cooperation with Gahanna Children’s College yields a unique prenatal stimulation using heartbeat-like sounds of increasing complexity as the most effective means of communicating with developing child. Other prenatal enrichment approaches that use music, reading or singing have been tried, however: the fluid surrounding the baby muffles all but the simplest of sounds, music is too random and complex, the spoken word is too hard to understand.

Its use normally during the second trimester of mother’s pregnancy gives a wonderful bonding experience for baby and the rest of the family. Babies are born more relaxed with their eyes and hands open and crying little, nurse better, sleep better; reach developmental milestones more quickly, have advanced language, musical, and creative abilities; have enhanced curiosity and the ability to gather and process information very quickly. Prenatal enriched children demonstrate expanded cognitive abilities and higher than average IQs.

Throughout life, this advantages would mean child's ability to absorb and appreciate far more of his/her environment than one who did not receive prenatal enrichment It has been believe that, someday, its use will be as much a part of being pregnant as is taking prenatal vitamins. (Logan) Over the past 25 years, industrialized countries have experienced major changes in rearing arrangements for young children. This transformation stems, in part, from changes in the roles women now play in society - especially changes in maternal employment at an early stage in children's lives.

Increased reliance on paid childcare has fostered intense research on their positive and negative effects on children's health, cognitive capacity, adjustment, and social relationships. One of the two studies conducted for ages 0-2 years revealed that children reared on child care exhibits the following behaviors: insecure attachments to their mothers, patterns of less harmonious mother-child interaction, higher levels of problem behavior, and teacher-reported social competence and poorer academic work habits.

(Belsky) In the other study conducted for ages 2-5 inversely reveals more of advantages of good-quality care and its potential benefits for children. In particular, childcare offers more extensive social contacts opportunities opening extended social world for them. Positive childcare experiences also enhance later educational opportunities, such that those experiencing early non-parental care are better able to benefit from education, adjust to routines, and resist conflicts.

(Ahnert L) Nevertheless, home remains the emotional center of children's lives and it is important that supportive parent-child relationships need not be harmed by childcare experiences even when children spend considerable amounts of time in care. It is undeniably during these first five years of life, that we can most effectively impact and influence a child's brain, stage when the brain is storing information and memories that will be the foundation for a lifetime of skills and potential. If this foundation is flawed, it can affect the entire life span of the individual.

Advocates of early brain development and school readiness give the following 10 guidelines: Be warm, loving, and responsive; Respond to the child's cues and clues; Enjoy talking, reading and singing to your child; Establish positive routines and rituals; Encourage child to play and explore safely; Make TV watching selective; Use discipline as an opportunity to teach; Accept the fact that each child is unique; Take care of yourself; and lastly Reach out and get some help. In finality, it is truly a wonderful opportunity to enrich the lives of our children and help them realize their full potential.

“The first years truly last forever” but it will only be render possible and achievable, if and only if, as a parent, your mind has conceived it.


Ahnert L, Lamb ME. . "Child Care and Its Impact on Young Children, 2-5". Montreal, Quebec, 2004. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Ed. Barr RG Tremblay RE, Peters RDeV, eds. : Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development. February 27 2007. < http://www. excellence-earlychildhood. ca/documents/Ahnert-LambANGxp. pdf. >. Arnow, Eagle Introduction to Physiology and Pathological Chemistry. 9th ed.

Minnesota: The C. V. Mosley Co. , 1976. Belsky, J. . "Child Care and Its Impact on Young Children (0-2)". Montreal, Quebec, 2005. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Ed. Barr RG Tremblay RE, Peters RDeV. Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development. February 27 2007. <http://www. excellence-arlychildhood. ca/documents/BelskyANGxp_rev. pdf>. Logan, Brent "Learning before Birth: Every Child Deserves Giftedness". 2006. February 28 2007. <Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. Morrison, Earl Scienceplus Technology and Society. Ontario, Canada: Bryant Press, 1993.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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