How Uncertainty and Isolation Has Impacted Mental Health during Coronavirus

Coronavirus has taken over society; the pandemic has taken a negative psychological toll on the people. It has led to an increase in cases of isolation and depression due to the lack of social interaction, reduced access to caregivers and fear of sickness. Coronavirus has changed our society for almost a year now and it continues to bring about new causes of declining mental health in individuals (Pfefferbaum, B. & North, C.S 2020). The ongoing pandemic has caused a state of quarantine ranging in severity, at times in full lockdown causing people to only be able to leave homes for essential purchases and employment.

This quarantine state led to little or no social interaction causing the population to feel isolated and a declining mental health.

During the lockdown, it was a major lifestyle adjustment, from busy days of work and running around to sitting at home all day long. Contact with peers and friends progressively reduced (Courtney, D. et al.2020), resulting in social isolation and leading to negative emotional states (Koob, G.

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et al. 2020). People began to feel very lonely, feeling described as “dark and miserable.”

As the quarantine carried on, spikes in suicide rates and depression cases were seen (Banerjee, D. & Rai, M. 2020). Individuals felt separated from the world, as if it was paused. This virus has caused negative mental health aspects not only due to the social isolation of the lockdown; but in those who fear this virus, how sick they could get if they tested positive and how easily it can be shared throughout others.

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That being said some fear leaving their homes often, if at all.

That stress deteriorates mental health as well, researched by FIRST SOURCE AUTHOR from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children." (Weinberg, H. 2020). These individuals also fear seeking assistance with their arising mental health struggles as that also involves becoming vulnerable outside of their home to receive the therapeutic health or medication, they may need to calm those nerves and stress. That increased anxiety of the unknown infection and how it may affect them overwhelms them (Banerjee, D. & Rai, M 2020).

Research involving that fear was conducting which resulted in an average fear scale of 7 out of 10, the pandemic has caused that stress in many people(Fitzpatrick, K et al. 2020). As previously mentioned, some may not be looking to see help, therapists and other caregivers have been limited, on top of some refusing to seek their help, these professionals are unable to have those in-person connections to help their patients. Depression and isolation have resulted in those who receive therapeutic help to relapse in their addictions, such as drinking, which has increased by 40% within the population throughout this pandemic (Koob, G. et al. 2020).

The limits of therapy and mental health risks of the continuing isolation, "greatly augments allostatic load in domain of addiction. (Koob, G. et al. 2020).” Another obstacle of caregivers being unable to see individuals in the difficulty of creating relationships with their clients, ones that cannot be created or made stronger through virtual sessions.

As said by Gillian Russel, included in Weinberg's research, "A bed is not a couch, and a car is not a consulting room."(Weinberg, H. 2020). These therapy limitations have fluctuated depending on which stage of quarantine a particular zone is in; however, the mental struggles remain. In opposition, Coronavirus has limited in-person interaction; however, individuals are not isolated. There are multiple other sources and ways of communication especially in this day and age. Texting, calling, video calls and more are all very useful resources we use almost daily and were a key tool during the quarantine this year. A study was done showing that video calls increased by an average of 30% and voice calls increased by 36% (Nguyen, al. 2020).

There is not a limitation to who you can talk to, if someone felt alone, they can pick up their landline, cellphone or laptop and connect with a family member or friend. In addition, those struggling with previously diagnosed mental illness such as depression have reduced access to visits with their therapists.

Nevertheless, video and phone calls took over that situation as well. Online support groups were created and people felt more empowered speaking with others through these calls (Weinberg, H. 2020). Having to adapt to these circumstances benefitted more than harmed these clients; appointment schedules became more convenient and flexible for both the caregiver and individual and they could stay in their home environment which makes them more comfortable during those discussions (Felit, al. 2020). Also, they had a higher adherence to said treatments, they are not alone but more independent in the healing process since they have to be on their own and not having the responsibility of commuting to their meetings (Felit, al. 2020).

Therefore, the coronavirus pandemic decreased meaningful social interaction of society, virtual interaction has benefits, however, it does not compare. There was limited access to professionals to assist with mental health and the struggles that come along with depression and isolation as well as the fear of this sickness that the world is so unfamiliar with. Convenience does not outweigh the negative psychological toll, the pandemic has doubtlessly led to a significant increase in the cases of isolation and depression in society.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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How Uncertainty and Isolation Has Impacted Mental Health during Coronavirus. (2023, Feb 19). Retrieved from

How Uncertainty and Isolation Has Impacted Mental Health during Coronavirus essay
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