Health and Safety unit

Categories: HealthSafety

Health and SafetyDevelop Health and Safety and Risk Management Policies and Procedures and Practice in SettingsExplain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work settingIn Bright Start our health and safety policy outlines that all employees have duties regarding health and safety.

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It is so employees take reasonable care for their safety and other peoples and to co-operate with the Board of Governors so as to enable it to carry out responsibilities successfully. Our policy is reviewed annually and is a reminder to employees regarding health and safety at work under article 8 of the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.

Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirementsIn Bright Start we have an overall Health and Safety Policy which is outlining employees' duties regarding Article 8 of the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order, 1978. We also have a lot of individual policies that cover areas of health and safety. We have a Management of Emergencies Policy; this policy covers medical emergencies and fire safety. Under medical emergencies it is a step by step guide outlining what will happen in the case of a serious accident in where an ambulance needs to be called. It states when a parent registers a child they sign and date a consent form for emergency medical advice and treatment. I think this policy is up to date and has as much detail as there needs to be. Thankfully we have never been through a procedure like this but if a time does come ourselves and the committee will review it to see if any procedures or policies need to be adjusted.

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Under the fire safety it tells you that fire drills are carried out regularly announced and unannounced. It points out where there are fire drill notices displayed within the setting. Our assembly point is at the front of the school premises. Staff are to take register and ensure all children are safely out and to check toilets. It then revises equipment alarms, extinguishers, fire doors, blankets etc are all checked regularly. Overall I think this is a greatly detailed policy but is missing a point that when equipment is checked it must be signed, dated and recorded as evidence. I am almost 100% this does by carried out but to have that in writing in the policy would be good. A lot of the health and safety points we talked about in class my setting has a policy for them in some way or another. We have records to make sure all toys are not broken and cleaned regular. The Leader of the after schools has records where she signs and dates when checks and cleans toys/equipment. There is also records on room temperature, ratios and fridge temperatures that are all signed and dated as well. We do not have any policy for these but we have records to show. Some policies are not required within our after schools such as, cosh because we are situated inside a school and the school cleaners take care of the cleaning. Another policy which we do not have and is not applicable to us is the kitchen prep. In Bright Start we have no kitchen but an area suitable to make snack in. A lot of our policies liaise with the school for example the security of setting, the visitor system, toilets and handwashes, pest control and fire drills. Within our policy folder we have most of the policies and the information is quite detailed in what we can do. We do everything reasonable possible to ensure our after schools is a safe environment for our children staff and everyday visitors. 2.3 Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied withWithin the Health and Safety policy and the Reporting Untoward and Adverse Incidents policy it states that we understand that it is our legal duty to report any accident or incidents including some specific diseases. Any new employee is given a copy of all our policies and is asked to familiarise themselves with the policies (highlighting the most important ones). If you do not report or record in accident book an accident or incident that has happened and the leader is aware you know about it you will therefore be given a verbal warning. If it happens again it will result in a written warning.4.3 Evaluate own practice in promoting a balanced approach to risk management In my setting I promote a balanced approach to risk management by letting children take risks with adult supervision. It is important for children to take risks so they are aware of the dangers and know to take responsibility for their own safety. It helps them gain confidence and build strengths and skills. In bright start we let the children use scissors with adult supervision. We try not to intervene unless the child is at risk but until that we simply teach the child how to use the scissors and what way to hold them and how we walk around the classroom with them. This will help get children thinking on how to use the scissors and will also help with their fine motor skills. In my setting we plan to ensure every child's safety by having a child friendly safe room. When we plan activities we plan so the children are not at risk and if there is a chance of an accident we plan a risk assessment. 4.4 Analyse how helping others to understand the balance between risk and rights improves practiceAs staff we are allowing children to take risks daily. In bright start the children help out at snack with adult supervision. We teach the children to be careful of the toaster being hot, what way to hold the knife when buttering bread, to beware of warm water in the sink when washing up. This improves the children's awareness and teaches them life skills and basic common sense. The staff allowing the children to do this is understanding the balance. When staff allow the children outside on bikes, scooters, tractors, climbing frames, mud kitchens etc. this is allowing children t take risks in all these areas. Staff are aware of the risks but are letting the children explore and develop skills so they become more independent. When planning an activity for the children we minimise any risks we can see but we cannot prevent a child from falling and cutting their knee.5.1, 5.2,5.3 & 5.4 (policies and procedures)

Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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Health and Safety unit. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from

Health and Safety unit essay
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