Children and Young People’s Health and Safety

Categories: Society

Know the legislative and policy framework for health and safety. Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in your setting At the start of the day the children are made to line up in the school playground. When the whistle is blown at 8.55a.m the teachers will come onto the yard to collect their classes. The children are then in turn taken into the building. Some children will have attended breakfast club and they will be supervised in the hall then led out on to the yard ready for their teachers to collect them.

Unless a child is particularly upset or distressed, or there is a need to speak to the teacher, parents are not permitted to enter the school with the child. When all of the children are safely inside and the parents have left the yard all gates are locked and only the front gate and door remains open. When the children have hung their coats up and entered the classroom the register is taken.

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If a child has not arrived by 9.15 the parents are sent a text asking where they are and why they are absent. When the children go out for morning break the gates remain locked and members of staff accompany them, no child is allowed to talk to anyone along the surrounding railings of the school even if they know them. At lunch time there are midday assistants in the hall to supervise the children and also out on the yard.

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After lunch the register is taken again. At the end of the day children are returned one by one to their parents or authorised person/s. The school must be informed if anybody unfamiliar is to collect the child.

The school has a list of which children are to attend after school club or other after school activities. If during the day a child has to leave the school e.g. dentist or doctor’s appointment they must be signed out at reception and back in when they return in case of fire. If during the day a fire drill takes place the children are evacuated via the nearest fire exit and gather at the assembly point in the playground. The teacher will then take the register again to ensure everyone is safely out of the building. There is a copy of the fire evacuation procedure in every classroom. All visitors to the school must report to the front reception and be signed in and must sign out. During normal school hours all exterior doors and some internal are kept locked as are all external gates, apart from front main entrance. All hazards that could cause injury to yourself or others should be reported e.g. spillages, equipment with defects. Staff should ensure that none of their actions cause any injuries to themselves or others. All safety equipment that is provided should be used at all times. Gloves must be worn when handling materials during scientific activities. All equipment must be safe and age appropriate, equipment should carry recognised standards of safety signs. The children’s act 1989 requires that all children are cared for and are kept safe. Any medicines that need to be administered are only to be done so by first aiders. Any injuries that occur during the school day to children must be entered into the accident book and a signature obtained from the child’s parent/carer. Serious injuries must be reported to the health and safety executive. Minor injuries may be cleaned, but no lotions or creams may be applied. All hazardous cleaning substances are kept under lock and key in the caretaker’s room or kitchen cleaning substances are kept locked in kitchen cupboard.

Health and Safety Act 1974

The Governors and the head teacher are responsible for implementing this policy within Bryn Deva. All new joins are given training on Health and Safety at work as part of their induction. They are made aware of the risks to themselves and pupils. Potential risks when using equipment are reduced by ensuring relevant training and instructions are given to staff and pupils. Staff are expected to implement safe working practices to set the right example to pupils. All tools and equipment that are used must meet the accepted safety standards. Relevant safety clothing and equipment is provided and used. Adequate supervision is provided to all pupils, and opportunities are provided to discuss with pupils the health and safety arrangements. All accidents or injuries are recorded and parent’s signatures are obtained. When children are transported to and from school including private vehicles, staff ensures that child restraints and age appropriate seats are used. All tools and equipment are checked for defects regularly and logged. Offices and overall environment are kept tidy and free from anything that may cause slips, trips or falls. Each classroom has a copy of the fire safety procedures including nearest fire exit and assembly point. A fire risk assessment is carried out annually.

Manual Handling

No person is to undertake any manual handling operation which may cause risk of injury. Manual handling operations are defined as lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving loads by hand or bodily force. Where possible all need for manual handling is eliminated, but where this is not practicable, the use of mechanical handling aids must be considered. Where manual handling cannot be avoided, an assessment will be made of each manual handling operation to establish the degree of risk involved. The assessment will take into consideration the following factors:

  1. The weight
  2. The size
  3. Do any lifting aids need to be used
  4. Is the area free from obstacles
  5. The environment to where the object is being moved to
  6. The capability of the individual

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Bryn Deva complies with COSHH regulations 1994. All substances that are regarded as hazardous are kept in the caretakers store room which is locked during normal school hours. The school caretaker has a copy of the COSHH regulations in his/her health and safety manual. RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) all minor injuries are entered into the accident book with details of how and where the injury occurred. Major injuries have to be reported to the Health & Safety Executive by law. Serious disease have to be reported to the local health authority.

Describe how Health and Safety is monitored and maintained in the setting In order to confirm that the policy is being effectively implemented, it will be monitored as follows: The health and safety committee and the head teacher will carry out an annual safety audit of the school.

The annual safety audit will comprise of individual safety surveys, some of which will involve specialist inspection, i.e. electrical, gas tests, fire checks and others which may be carried out by specialists within the school.

When the audit is completed a copy is sent to the L.E.A any comments and requests for advice about remedial action. Health and safety scheduled regular checks.

Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. To encourage staff to be aware of potential risks or hazards they are encouraged to think about ‘The Learning Environment’. The layout of classrooms should be safe nothing lying around that children could harm themselves on. There should be plenty of clutter free space to walk. No sharp edges that could injure a child, and no loose flexes that could cause a child to trip. Furniture should be free from damage. Equipment is stored safely and out of harm’s way. Lighting and noise are considered; harsh lighting can be uncomfortable after a long period of time and cause headaches in some individuals. Outdoor spaces that are to be used should be safe and secure. The boundaries are regularly inspected to ensure that they are safe. Any litter or broken glass or animal mess should be cleared away before children are allowed out. Before using any outdoor equipment children are reminded of how to use it and the equipment should be age appropriate.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Children and Young People’s Health and Safety. (2016, Mar 23). Retrieved from

Children and Young People’s Health and Safety essay
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