Support children and young people’s health and safety

Categories: Society

Lo1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services.

When planning healthily and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services there are many factors that need to be taken in to consideration. Most importantly, every child has the right to feel safe and free from harm.

A varied learning environment is essential to give a child the best opportunity to learn and develop. Therefore a learning environment can be any area, inside or out.

Therefore it is my prime responsibility to ensure these environments are safe, hygienic and comfortable. This may change depending on the age and ability of the child and obviously adapted to suit a child with disabilities when needed.

Factors to take in to consideration are:
Appropriate clothing
Equipment needed
Cleanliness of equipment
Adequate light and heat
Age appropriate
Childs ability
Childs interests and dislikes
Adequate hygiene facilities
Sleep and feed times and facilities to do both

Read more: Essay on Young People’s Health and Safety

LO1.2. Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely.

Everyday my home is risk assessed first thing in the morning before mindee’s arrive, this is a mental sweep of the property to address risk and prevent them before mindee's attend.

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I walk through all the rooms and identify possible risks, and eliminate where possible, isolate if not possible.

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I also do write risk assessments of all areas one a month, these include regular play areas. (Ie, parks, playgroups, library ect) aswell as my home and garden. I also carry out extra risk assessments when my ratios change or the hours I work differ, for instance school holidays to ensure I meet the needs of the children. I do not have anyone who works with me, however if I did, they would be trained to risk asses appropriately and have key responsibilities when managing the safety of the children. I use a checklist to ensure all risk assessments are carried out.

LO1.3. Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services.

Current guidance’s for planning healthy and safe environments and service consist of:

EYFS (early years foundation stage framework that all childcare professionals must follow, consists of legal requirements and recommendations)

Health & Safety at Work Act (To ensure the workplace is free from hazards and both mine and the children’s health is a priority)

COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health)

Food hygiene 2006 (to ensure the safe preparation and cooking of food to avoid contamination and risk to both mine and the children’s health) Manual handling regulations (To prevent risk to myself and the children when moving objects around the home)

Data protection act 2008 (To use and store the data and photographs I collect safely and securely to protect the children)

Fire precaution at work regulations 1999 (To reduce the risk of fire and good management if a fire did occur, to then reduce risk to health for both me and the children)

The children’s act 2004 (working with every child matters framework as a result of the death of Victoria Columbia)

RIDDOR – (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013)

LO1.4. Explain how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in own work setting or service.

I review all the above acts regularly for changes, at least every six months and amend my policies and procedures accordingly for changes. I implement the above acts and my own policies by ensuring my home is safe from hazards and dangerous chemicals. All parents receive and sign to agree to these before their child starts. All dangerous products or accessories are locked away. All kitchen units have safety catches on. My first aid kit is in a contained box in a cupboard with a cupboard lock on. I have stair gates at the top and bottom of the stairs. All children are supervised at all times and are always within my sight or within hearing reach. I teach children about safety in everyday task to enable them to understand the implications of bad choices to help them make their own decisions where possible without risking the safety of the child. Everything is recorded and any concerns rose appropriately. In everything I do the child, child’s safety, wellbeing and happiness is always my first priory.

LO2.4. Explain how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed. Risk assessments are reviewed and altered to ensure they meet the needs of my setting every six months. Whenever I come across a new activity or event we have not done before that represents new risk, a new risk assessment is written. I have a tracker that shows they have been assessed and amended accordingly.

LO3.1. Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management.

It is important to take a balanced approached to risk management as too much can cause a distraction to you and take to much time away from the children and too little can put the children at risk.

LO3.2. Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and health and safety requirements.

It is very important for children to have choices and be given the right to choose and remembering every child is an individual, however there safety must always be paramount, therefore getting a appropriate mix of the two to meets both the needs of the child and safety can be really hard but essential.

LO3.3. Give example from own practice of supporting children or young people to assess and manage risk.

It is important children learn to asses risks and learn how to manage them so when doing activities I talk about the risk and tell the children how to prevent accidents. I try to make this part of the activity without it been too intrusive to what they are doing. For example: When using scissors ensure the children know they are sharp and to only use them when sitting nicely at the table and to point them down, When crossing the road teach them to look left and right and listen and ensure they are holding hands and talk about the importance of this, talking about “stranger danger” when going on walks.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Support children and young people’s health and safety. (2016, Mar 22). Retrieved from

Support children and young people’s health and safety essay
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