Harris's novel Chocolat

Categories: Chocolate

The main topic of the two texts

First and foremost, we can already identify the main topic of the two texts: chocolate. Both texts basically talk about their subjective and creative processes of chocolate creation. In this comparative essay, I will elaborate the different purposes and points of views of authors, as well as the syntax, lexis and semantic fields that differentiate the messages conveyed by the two texts. To begin with, it is quite clear that the to texts represent different types of writing; one (Text A) is an extract from a novel, Chocolat by Joanne Harris, the other (Text B) is an expository article from a chocolate company, Green & Black's Ltd.

The purpose of Text A is to narrate and describe to readers how a character creates his own unique way of baking chocolate.

Citations such as 'I only use the best', '... but I like to do it myself', 'I never use electrical mixers', and 'As I work I clean my mind, breathing deeply' give a sense of originality and uniqueness of the main character to the audience.

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Other than complementing the character's individuality, Harris also seems to write with a purpose to inform that intellectual, creativity and ingenuity are highly needed to create the perfect blend of delightful chocolate.

This can be identified from the words used, like 'skill', 'lightness', 'speed', 'patience' and 'wise' as one semantic field. On the other hand, we can clarify that Text B's main message of the text is also to convey Green & Black's exclusive and original way of grinding their so called organic cocoa beans.

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Although, its purpose is not to complement a fiction, but to actually promote an actual ready-made product for real everyday chocoholics. As this expository article is taken from the official website of Green & Black Ltd., the author uses inviting and persuasive words to communicate the purpose of the text, in order to engage readers to read on further and simply to purchase their product.

This is portrayed from the lexis and syntax used, for example, when the author cites 'At Green & Black's our aim is to create great tasting chocolate', or, 'Unlike many other chocolate manufacturers, we process the chocolate from the whole cocoa bean. This allows us to make sure that at every step the high quality expect is met'.

Green & Black's chocolate is a one of kind cuisine

This makes the reader feel allured and realize that Green & Black's chocolate is a one of kind cuisine. Another aspect that differ the purpose of the two texts are the points of view used by both authors. In Text A, Harris uses the first-person narrative point of view. As the text describes the character's way of making his original chocolate, this point of view is the most effective and it creates more connection between the audience and the story itself. However, the author of Text B uses the second-person point of view to convey its content and purpose.

The author writes the article in this way because as we all have realized, its purpose is to advertise and invite readers to have a grab and taste of Green & Black's high quality made chocolate. As a result, the two different points of view create different effects of communication to the readers; one presenting a particular person's outlook of the ideal way of chocolate baking and the other addressing and at the same time selling the positives and uniqueness of a certain company's true art of chocolate making.

The figurative language used to compliment the character's scenario of chocolate making varies; these include metaphors such as 'wise fool's gold', 'raw and earthy tang', and 'the hot and resinous perfume of the rainforest'. These figures of speech containing in the extract give a sense of mysterious, yet appealing mood. Rather, Text B uses just a few metaphorical and rhetorical devices, like 'rich flavor', 'bloom', and 'good "snap"'.

Yet the author uses multiple culinary-based adjectives to communicate its purpose. Some of them include words such as, 'great tasting', 'finest', and 'ripe'. In conclusion, both compositions are clearly contrasting in purpose and intention, but they are obviously common in subject matter. Altogether, the two texts inform readers how chocolate making can be in a variety of different processes and techniques, but is still always an irresistible everyday treat everybody can enjoy.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Harris's novel Chocolat. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/harriss-novel-chocolat-9213-new-essay

Harris's novel Chocolat essay
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