The Role of Loyalty in the Workplace: A Comparison of Perspectives

Categories: Treatise

JD suggests that the liberal model of work can be seen as a middle ground between the hedonistic interpretation of the convention model and the human fulfillment model. The hedonistic interpretation focuses on happiness and obtaining one's desires, while asserting that individuals have the freedom to choose their own preferences and economic activity's goal is preference satisfaction. This is a shared characteristic between the liberal model and the hedonistic interpretation. The fulfillment school believes that work can provide potential benefits for employees, which aligns with the liberal model.

However, the human fulfillment school emphasizes what constitutes meaningful work, while liberals focus on how work impacts a worker's abilities and life. Liberals reject the idea that there is a standard dictating what everyone should do.

According to Kantian philosophy, meaningful work should be voluntary and provide opportunities for learning, offer a satisfactory salary, help workers develop their capacities, and not hinder their pursuit of happiness. Work relationships should respect autonomy and humanity.

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Kantian values autonomy and independence, with flexible work hours giving employees more control over their schedules. Wage compression could help address social issues. Ultimately, meaningful work should contribute to the growth of employees' rational abilities.

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A. In contrast to the traditional model, individual workers have the freedom to choose the purpose of their work and there is no one universal goal that all work should aim for. However, the Liberal model is not based on total individual relativism or unrestricted subjectivism.

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B. In comparison to the Human Fulfillment model:

(1) Acknowledges the transformative power of work on one's character and how this can be used as a basis for ethical evaluation. (2) In contrast to the HFM, the Liberal model does not adhere to a specific understanding of human telos but focuses on safeguarding primary goods essential for achieving happiness such as autonomy, rationality, and physical/mental health. (3) Work should be organized in a manner that values and safeguards these primary goods.

(1) Money is not inherently valuable, according to Kant, as it is simply a means to an end. He believes that a miser is morally deficient, and even suggests that those who accumulate wealth through saving are narrow-minded individuals. Saving money alone is not virtuous. A job should provide enough income for financial independence, which in turn promotes self-respect in the employee.
(2) These statements hint at a concept of happiness that is objective.

a. [Even] someone who is foolish can save and set aside money; however, spending money wisely on pleasure requires knowledge and expertise. In general, meaningful work according to Kant would not go against his principle of treating humanity with respect (not using people as mere means) and should fulfill the imperfect duty of aiding others. Work that is chosen freely.

(5) Work that encourages employee autonomy and rationality while not obstructing moral development. (6) Work that avoids being paternalistic in regard to human telos.

Work is essential for personal growth as it helps in developing one's identity. The benefits of work, such as wealth, also play a role in building self-esteem by fostering independence (2). Additionally, work allows individuals to exercise their autonomy and enhance their rational abilities (3).

(1) Kant and the Liberal model both emphasize the significance of primary goods such as autonomy in the workplace.

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* Peishan.Yang

November 6, 2011

According to Ronald Duska, he concurs with Norman Bowie's perspective that employees should demonstrate loyalty to their employers and companies, thereby refraining from whistleblowing. Nonetheless, Ronald disagrees with Norman Bowie regarding the rationale behind this loyalty. While Norman believes that employees have a duty to maintain confidentiality for the sake of their employer and company, warning that whistleblowing could lead to consequences, Ronald argues that companies do not warrant such loyalty.

When it comes to the commercialization of work, Ronald highlights the importance of profit for employers. He argues that employers prioritize profit above all else, leading to a lack of loyalty in the workplace. Ronald believes that this focus on profit is a key factor driving decisions in the business world.

Duska uses an analogy to illustrate that a company functions as a tool to generate profit, emphasizing the primary goal of business. By equating a company to an instrument, Duska aims to establish a connection between business and loyalty. He believes that viewing a company as an entity with a goal of human enrichment fosters loyalty among stakeholders.

JD and Duska have differing opinions on loyalty in the business world. JD believes that employees have a responsibility to be loyal to their employers, while Duska contends that loyalty is not necessary in companies like theirs.

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#1 Answer:

(a) He agrees with Bowie that whistleblowing is sometimes ethically justified, but disagrees with his assumption that an employee has a prima facie duty to be loyal to the company she works for. According to RD, companies do not deserve loyalty like family relations, friends, and other special people do. Loyalty is reserved for relationships that involve mutual sacrifice and enrichment, while business relationships are rooted in enlightened self-interest. While sacrifices may be made for the company, they are ultimately in one's own best interest.

Duska argues that commercializing an activity or relationship means focusing solely on profit, with all other aspects taking a backseat. RD agrees, stating that being influenced by market forces means prioritizing profit above all else, such as quality. According to RD, commercialization alters the nature of a relationship to the point where loyalty is no longer relevant. In commercialized relationships, terms are typically defined in a contractual manner. RD believes that loyalty is distinct from commercialization, as it cannot be bought or traded and is based on relationships that may require sacrifice without expecting anything in return.

(c) Business is often compared to a team, with umpires or referees blowing a whistle when a foul is committed. This comparison implies that whistleblowing is disloyal, as the whistleblower is essentially turning on their own team. RD argues that this analogy is flawed for several reasons: (1) Teams operate within clearly defined roles and rules in a social context, while business impacts society on a larger scale. (2) Losing a game has minimal consequences compared to the serious impact of losing in business. (3) Participation in sports is voluntary, unlike the involuntary consequences of business activities on individuals. (4) Competition is valued in sports but not in the moral context of whistleblowing.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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The Role of Loyalty in the Workplace: A Comparison of Perspectives essay
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