Greek Mythology and Achilles Introduction

Categories: Greek Mythology


One of the most legendary battles in ancient history is the Trojan War, a conflict that has been immortalized in myths and tales. However, before this epic battle took place, there was a Greek god named Peleus who fell in love with the Sea goddess Thetis. Their love story culminated in the birth of a child, whom they named Achilles. In a bid to make him immortal, Thetis dipped Achilles into the river Styx, a river that flowed through the underworld.

However, she held him by his heel, leaving this spot vulnerable and mortal, thus giving rise to the famous Achilles' heel.

Personal Qualities

Achilles was not just a mere mortal; he was a formidable warrior with a unique blend of qualities that set him apart from others. His immortality, incredible strength, and unmatched fighting abilities made him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Courageous, brave, and strong, Achilles was known for his ruthless efficiency in combat, as evidenced by his defeat of Hector, the king of the Trojans.

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His distinctive gold helmet with red horsehair plumes further added to his imposing presence in battle.

In addition to his fearsome appearance, Achilles wielded powerful weapons, with his short sword and spear being his primary tools of destruction. His merciless nature was evident when he famously dragged Hector's lifeless body behind his chariot around the walls of Troy for twelve days. Achilles' prowess in battle and his iconic armor made him a legendary figure in Greek mythology.

Personal Struggles and Achievements

Despite his seemingly invincible nature, Achilles was not without his weaknesses.

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His heel, the one vulnerable spot in his otherwise immortal body, proved to be his downfall. However, this did not diminish his many achievements on the battlefield. Prophesies foretold that Troy could only be defeated if Achilles was on the opposing side, a testament to his prowess as a warrior.

During the Trojan War, Achilles was tasked with killing Hector, a mission he carried out successfully. Tragically, it was a stray arrow from Hector's brother, Paris, that found its mark on Achilles' heel, leading to his untimely demise. Despite his tragic end, Achilles left behind a legacy of courage, leadership, and unparalleled skill in combat.


Achilles will forever be remembered as a hero with a fatal flaw, a man whose strength and valor were matched only by his vulnerability. His immortal status, coupled with his exceptional fighting abilities, solidified his place as one of the greatest warriors of all time. Achilles' legacy as a leader in battle and a symbol of heroism continues to inspire generations to this day.

Works Cited

“Achilles”. Myth Encyclopedia. Jrank. Web. March 20, 2011.

Gill, N.S. “Achilles- Trojan War Hero Achilles” 2011. INT. Friday, 08 April 2011.

“Achilles”. Greek Mythology Edition. Search, 2011. Web. 7 Mar. 2011.


Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Greek Mythology and Achilles Introduction essay
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