Government Regulatory Agencies

Categories: GovernmentHealth

Government Regulatory Agencies and Impact on Consumer Choices By Trisha Robinson, Chastity Hafer, George Ward, Quagina Jackson Serphy HCS 490 Health care Consumer- Trends and Marketing For: Cindy Perkins, DC, MBA 05/01/2011 The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) The Food& Drug Administration is in charge of promoting and the protection of public health safety by the supervision and regulation of food safety, dietary supplements, tobacco products, prescription and over the counter drugs you get from the pharmacy.

The FDA also regulates vaccines, blood transfusions, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics (fda.

gov). The FDA is in charge of advancing the public health by the speed of new ideas or methods that make medicines and food affordable and by the producing of strong or desired effect, more safer, and by given the public a more accountable scientific information that the public can use when using medication and foods and to lessen the use of tobacco to improve the quality of life. The FDA makes sure that laws are enforced by monitoring companies of claims that the company makes about their products.

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If the FDA thinks the company has violated the law a warning letter will be sent to the company. The letter states that the company is in violation and the company has 15 working days to respond and say how this will be fixed. Companies that do not respond will be fined or their product will be seized. The health care product or service category selected Service of choice: Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information is a service, which The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers an array of information on rules and regulations, which allows consumers, industries, and health care professionals to know the safety, availability, and effectiveness of drugs, biological, medical, and electronic products, and cosmetics.

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In addition, the service provides information on non-regulated categories such as advertising, consumer products (household goods), alcohol, drug abuse, meat and poultry, health insurance, drugs of abuse, pesticides, restaurants and grocery stores, and water.

It offers information on areas such as safety, labeling, product licensing, product approval, manufacturing and performance standards on medical devices and radioactive products, and animal drugs, livestock feeds, and food. Rationale for choosing FDA A. Familiar with the regulations of the FDA. 1. Protecting the public’s health B. Interested in the operations of the FDA and how they develop their regulations. C. The services FDA protects. 1. Responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines more effective.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Government Regulatory Agencies. (2018, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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