Debating GMO Labels: Informed Choice VS Unnecessary Confusion

Nowadays, genetically modified food surrounds us all around the world and we don’t even know it. This food is composed of unnatural products. According to the website 20 questions on genetically modified foods, “genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally”. This means that they are adjusting the food in a certain way, making it unnatural. The GM crops currently on the market are mainly aimed at an increased level of crop protection through the introduction of resistance against plant diseases caused by insects or viruses or through increased tolerance towards herbicides (20 questions on genetically modified foods).

Genetically Modified foods are used to protect the consumers when it is time to eat the GMO’s. Most of the time, we do not know what we are exactly eating so, there is still one question remaining; should it be required that Genetically Modified foods are labeled as GMO’s? There are few opinions suggested about this subject.

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Major proponents of the Genetically Modified food are for and few others are against. For example, they are for the good is labeled as GMO’s because it gives the right of choice for the consumers if they want to consume the GMO’s food or not.

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They do not feel like they have to check the label table on the back of the food package, if the GMO’s is labeled. For instance, GMO’s labeling would not be the best idea because it would make the consumers wondering if they are eating save food or not. The consumers might think that the food is not good for their health, as soon as they see on the package “GMO’s”. In this paper, we will learn more about the pros and cons of the Genetically Modified foods.

According to GMO’s can contain some bacteria, which is not good for the consumers who want to eat a certain product with GMO’s. The producers are using genes from plants and animals, which mean that the animals or plants can be contaminated, and be present in the food, eventually. It is a pro because when looking at the label and see GMO’s, it is means that the specific food can contain bacteria from food or either plants. (Should government require that genetically modified food be labeled, 2010). Another reason why labeling the GMO foods would be beneficial is because it would prevent some possible allergies, which is not something that anyone wants to deal with when it comes to food choice. According to 20 questions on genetically modified foods, “The safety assessment of GM foods generally investigates: (a) direct health effects (toxicity), (b) tendencies to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity)”. Allergies can be really bad and it is something that consumers look at when they are grocery shopping, they want to make sure that no one in their family will be affected by the GMO’s food (allergy). Another pro of labeling GMO food would be that it provides the choice to the consumer -- if they really want to consume the product or if they would prefer not to. It is a good way to check if you are willing to take the risk to eat a GMO product. It allows the consumers to take the right choice concerning the way they want to eat. (Should government require that genetically modified food be labeled, 2010).

There are also negative arguments concerning if they should required a Genetically Modified goods labeled. According to Dagoberto (2013), “labeling can also increase the non-GMO’s foods labeling”, which will create more food on the market. Because there is no label saying that the GMO’s are present in the food, the consumers will have tendency to buy without asking any specific questions. But at the same time, it is easier for the consumers to make a choice if they should go for it or not. Increase of Non-GMO’s food on the market is not very good because as we all know, we are producing too much food (overproduction), all around the world. Also, this brings the concern that consumers may not want to pay extra money that is typically requested of foods labeled as GMO’s. It would cost more money to put the label on the package which means that the consumers would have to pay a little but more than expected. (Should governments require that genetically modified foods be labeled?, 2010). According to Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea (2013), “Instead of providing people with useful information, mandatory GMO labels would only intensify the misconception that so-called Frankenfoods endanger people's health.” Meaning that people will be confused even more because they would not know what GMO’s really is. Maybe they would have fewer tendencies to buy the specific food because they do not trust the labeling on that says GMO’s on the package.

Personally, I believe that they should required that Genetically Modified foods are labeled as GMO’s because I think that it is important to know if our food is genetically modified. I would prefer to know if the food contains GMO’s than not knowing. I think that the consumer should know what is present in their food. It is our right to know what our food contains and if we still want to buy it or not. Also, I would think that Genetically Modified foods labeled as GMO’s would be good because it would prevent a lot of allergies. A lot of people are allergic to some Genetically Modified food and if there are nothing written on the package, it is clearly not good to not have something labeled as GMO’s. For example, anyone in a family could be allergic to specific soy but if they are are no specific labeling on the package, it could have very bad impacts for the consumer who is allergic. Also because the GMO’s would be labeled on the package, it would be easier to make a faster choice without looking for more information on the package than GMO’s. Maybe some person are looking only to buy Genetically Modified foods and it would be so much easier for them to just look at the package and see the label “GMO’s”. All of these different examples and evidence are showing why I think that it should be required that Genetically Modified foods are labeled as GMO’s.


  • Dagoberto, M. (2013, November). An urgent case for GMO labeling | MA Right to Know GMOs. Retrieved February 12, 2014, from Debate: Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods. Should governments require that genetically modified foods be labeled? (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2014, from http://>
  • Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea - Scientific American. (2013, August 20). Retrieved February 12, 2014, from WHO | 20 questions on genetically modified foods. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2014, from

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Debating GMO Labels: Informed Choice VS Unnecessary Confusion essay
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