The Controversy Surrounding Genetically Modified Crops.

Informative Speech

Specific purpose:

To explain what Genetically Modified Crops are, and why there is such controversy that comes with them.

Central Idea:

Genetically Modified Crops are here to stay, however, there are good and bad results of this. Some are all for these crops, while others are completely against them.

Genetically Modified Crops are rapidly becoming a part of our everyday lives but it may be too soon to decide if that is good or bad.

GM Crops are plants in which the DNA has been altered and modified using genetic engineering.

  1. The goal is usually to add a new trait to the plant that it doesn’t acquire naturally.
  2. Examples include some chemical and pest resistance, diseases and some environmental conditions.
  3. There are different ways to “clone” crops and foods, but this seems to be the most advanced.

Industry supports GM Crops.

  1. Industry and the government view GM Crops as a good thing due to the world’s rapidly growing population rate.
  2. GM crops also support the growing industry that is agriculture.
  3. It has become one of the largest industries in the world, and definitely one of the most important.
  4. The country heavily relies on agriculture, which relies a lot on GM Crops.

According to “Should We Grow GM Crops?” on GM Crops will be the future of agriculture.

  1. also says that not only will the crops that are genetically modified spread more throughout the world, but they will also have a longer shelf life, as they can be modified to do so.
  2. states that food that is genetically modified will be healthier in all aspects for the consumer.
  • Food will be produced with less fat, benefiting the obesity rate our country has.
  • More nutrients will also be added to these foods in attempt to eliminate malnutrition.
  • GM corn will be produced with lower fungal toxin content. also explains the other side of the GM crops argument, explaining the potential health risks.

  1. GM Crops have the potential to create new allergies in food.
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    i.By using a gene from one food to modify another, an allergen could be taken from the first food and transferred into the modified food.

  2. Bacteria in our guts could pick up genes that are resistant to antibiotics.
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    i.This could only increase the amount of disease-causing bacteria that is spread and resistant to our antibiotics.

  3. GM Crops could also cause a change the properties in proteins, which raises possibility for increased toxins.

GM Crops are viewed by some as unethical.

  1. Doctors have compared GM Crops to an experiment on a human, saying both are extremely unethical because of the possible unknown effects.
  • Little studies are done before releasing the product to the world.
  • People are not happy that the government just assumes the technology used in GM Crops is safe.

     2. People that are opposed to these crops have described the genetic modification process as “playing God” which raises a flag in most communities.

  • Many religious groups have boycotted buying products that are marked “GMO.”

Many of the crops we eat today are in fact GMO’s.

  • According to, soybeans genetic modification took off in 2007. i.59% of the world’s soybeans were GMO’s, higher percentage than any other crop.
  • says that about 80% of the corn produced in the US is genetically modified.


Genetically Modified Crops are quickly becoming a huge part of everyday life whether we notice it or not. There are pros and cons, and both sides are represented adequately. GMO’s are here to stay obviously because of the large number of crops that are already GM Crops.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Controversy Surrounding Genetically Modified Crops.. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

The Controversy Surrounding Genetically Modified Crops. essay
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