Gender Inequality in Indian Society

Gender inequality is the socially constructed practice that deprives women of having the same opportunities and rights as men. In our patriarchy society it is a general tendency to provide extra benefits for the males in comparison to women. Patriarchy is a social system in which all political, moral, familial and economic powers and privileges are vested to the males. In the field of education and social life or any field whether it is exposed on not, whether it is intentionally or not that kind of treatment is call gender bias.

When we are thinking that men and women are not equal from that point gender inequality begins. It refers to the unequal treatment or any kind of partiality whether it is positive or negative on the basis of their gender.

Gender inequality was reflected in famous people voice like Aristotle say women are morally, intellectually, physically inferior and they are only to reproduce and serve men at home. Genders are many types but when someone say about gender inequality then the discussion precede respect to male and female gender.

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Gender bias has been notice in our family, bigger society, at school, economic, political respect. When a couple taking their first child and family achieve the completeness from that point of time gender inequality was starting. Though the couple has started their marriage life by wishing a baby but in our Indian society family members are highly ambitious for male child except some of the cases. In India, gender inequality is like a poison and girls are forcefully feeding this poison by her own family members.

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There are too many dimensions where we can find out gender inequality.

In India male children are getting more quantities of food in comparison to the girls. Families are more conscious about nitrous food for the male child. Where there is a limited quantity of foods female childs having more tendency to deprived from sufficient feeding. Gender discrimination has been critically observed from literacy rate of female in India. Percentages of literate female are lesser than male literacy and bigger number of girls’ dropout from their schools. Education is considered to be one of the main driving forces for economic and societal development. For empowering women and providing equal opportunities to the girls in both economic and social field is only possible by rise the education level. In India child marriage is a burden for the girls. Child marriage is a tradition for the Indian family and in many cases economically wealthy family also supports this scenario. At any family whether it is economically good or not birth of a female child creating poisonous environment and family members blaming the mother for birth of a child as a girl. The people those are very close to the mother starting mental and physical torture to the mother. From the beginning of our human civilisation some of the social customs and traditions remains unchanged and exposed like of course worshiping behaviour. Most of the peoples in the society are admire this customs and duties by following others instructions or following others. But inside all the social customs and duties gender discrimination is peek up. In many religious festivals females’ behaviour is much more restricted in compare to male.

Gender inequality has the adverse impact on girls’ education and economic growth of a country. Adu-Oppong and Arthur (2015) to their study in Ghana discussed about several institutional factors that preventing well educated women for taking higher position at education. Khandaker and Rahman (2013) quoted in their paper about factors affecting gender inequality in respect of patriarchy societal setup, ignorance of female baby at birth, lack of education opportunity and less investment in women’s health. Bandiera and Natraj (2013) make an attempt to find out whether gender inequality has any negative impact on development and economic growth. Kalsen and Lamanna (2008) in their paper discuss about hoe gender discrimination effecting education and employment on economic growth in developing countries.

Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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Gender Inequality in Indian Society. (2024, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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