Future of technology (advantages and disadvantages)

From day to day, our world has been changing gradually from one condition to another. Nowadays, technology has advanced in huge leaps and bounds. We cannot imagine the world without technological advances such as a computer, a television, machines, and so on. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of technology. First, technologies play an important role in society because it makes life easier to live on and makes time less consuming. People do not have to do all the hard labor anymore.

For example, many people have washing machines, clothes driers, and dishwashers, so the amount of energy needed to wash and dry clothes and wash dishes is greatly reduced.

Second, medical science is very progressive and saves many innocent lives.

Medical treatment has been going well with the help of technology.

Nowadays, hospitals use technology as assistance for operations.

However, technology also brings harm to our society. The overuse and development of factory industries cause pollution in our world.

For example, the use of cars and machines causes smoke that affects the quality of our air and destroys our ozone layer and as a result, people suffer illnesses like cancer.

Another disadvantage is that technologies create financial problems in families because most technologies are expensive.

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For example, people that do not have a washing machine will have to wash clothes by hand which is time-consuming.

In conclusion, we cannot stop technology from developing in our society. Nowadays, we rely on technology every day to make our lives simpler. Without modern technology, our world would be a tough place to live in.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Future of technology (advantages and disadvantages). (2018, Sep 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/future-of-technology-advantages-and-disadvantages-essay

Future of technology (advantages and disadvantages) essay
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