Friends VS Big Bang Theory (TV Series)

'Friends' and 'The Big Bang Theory' The war is truly seething in our minds as an equivalent match. So, we chose to differentiate between these 2 iconic series. Both American series have become insanely popular among young people around the world, and their heroes will undoubtedly be recognized on any continent.

Both series are very different. The BBT tells the story of the life of two brilliant physicists, Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper, as well as their small company of nerds and their neighbor Penny, who works as a waitress.

In turn, the plot of 'Friends' revolves around six very different young people who are united by friendship.

In this category, undoubtedly wins the series 'Friends'. Firstly, this series is much older, because it has been broadcast since 1994. During this period, 10 full-fledged seasons were published, in which 236 episodes entered. Secondly, Friends watched at least 2 generations of youth. The Big Bang Theory is a much younger series. The presentation of the first episode took place in 2007.

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Since then, 12 full-fledged seasons and 279 episodes have aired. Now it is broadcast by 71 television channels in 63 countries of the world.

Both of the series talk about friends, but each of these has its own characteristics. In 'BBT' friendship is built on common interests, mainly on science. All the main characters, except Penny, are scientists with different degrees. The friendship of the characters of another series of our duel of steepness is built on the romantic relationships of the heroes and original life situations.

Love affairs are present in both of our series, but the main ones are the relationships of Penny and Leonard ('BBT') and Rachel and Ross ('Friends').

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In our opinion, love affairs in the series 'The Big Bang Theory' are more originally beaten. The character of scientist is done by Leonard, and waitress as Penny. The social statuses of the heroes themselves are already causing interest.

Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Monica (Courtney Cox-Arnett) and Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) are the beauties from the series Friends. Whereas, In BBT, Penny (Kaley Cuoco), Leslie Winkle (Sarah Gilbert), Amy Farah Fowler (Mayem Bielik), Bernadette (Melissa Roach) and Priya (Aarti Mann) are beautiful not to offend, but they cannot be compared with the heroines of Friends. But the main question still remains: which one is cooler? So who do you vote for, BBT or Friends? Do let us know...

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Friends VS Big Bang Theory (TV Series). (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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