Factory Farming - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Factory farming, also referred to as “industrial farming,” is the method of raising livestock using intensive methods, by which animals- such as poultry, pigs, or cattle- are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions (Lombardo). The factory farm itself is a large-scale industrial operation that houses thousands of animals raised for food (“Factory Farms”). This idea of indoor farming was not introduced until the start of the last century. It started when layer hens were first kept inside in more intensive systems. Then, in the 1930s the invention of new kinds of incubators meant that chicks could be produced in larger numbers by large-scale operations. However, it was not until the 1960s and 70s that factory farming really took off. Businesses began seeking efficiencies of production, savings on space and labor, greater profitability. As a result, mass production became the new norm (“History of Factory Farming”). This was only the beginning.

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