Anxiety Essay Examples

Anxiety - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Some people find themselves asking, “What is the difference between fear and anxiety? Aren’t they practically the same thing?” Although anxiety involves a fearful feeling, the two couldn’t be more different. In Stanley Rachman’s book titled Anxiety, he explains, “The term “fear” is used to describe a reaction to perceived danger, to an identifiable threat such as a poisonous snake. Fear has a specific focus and it is controlled or determined by perceivable events or stimuli. When experiencing anxiety, one might have difficulty in identifying the cause of that uneasy tension. Unlike fear, it is not so obviously determined; it is typically unpredictable and uncontrollable” (Rachman, Anxiety 3). This summarizes the fact that fear comes from a specific instance, while anxiety has an absent purpose. For example, a person feels fear when they are afraid of something specific, but a person can feel anxiety out of nowhere for no specific reason.

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