Frederick Douglass One Pager

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Life comes with many obstacles. Overcoming these barriers requires a set mind and perseverance. Slave-born abolitionist speaker Frederick Douglass, in his autobiography The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass depicts his life as a slave and his experiences to show to evil in slavery. His story explains how he changed and what he accomplished throughout his life. This slave narrative illustrates the young slave’s struggle to free himself from the mental and physical traumas tied with slavery.

On the visual side, the rock wall represents a difficult barrier (or many barriers) one must overcome to achieve greatness.

Frederick Douglass faced formidable obstacles from an early age, enduring the harsh realities of racism as he was separated from his mother and witnessed the brutalities inflicted upon slaves, including beatings and cruel practices at the hands of their owners. He went through the pains of being a slave to criticisms and harsh judgments to achieve what he saw as morally right.

The quote reads, “In coming to a fixed destination to run away, we did more than Patrick Henry, when he resolved upon liberty or death.” Douglass says this to show his comparison between the evils of slavery and death, and that sometimes he saw slavery as worse than death.

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He, nor could any slave, settle for death. They fought until the end for freedom and rights. Douglass educated himself to become one of the most intellectual and influential speakers for the American Anti-Slavery Society.

While reading this narrative, I gained a deeper comprehension of the lives of slaves and the hardships they faced.

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It also made me realize that everyone starts at the bottom of the rock wall and that each person must climb it to prove his or her worth in the world. Whether one is born into a wealthy or poor family, he or she has to earn the respect they deserve.

Updated: Jan 24, 2024
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Frederick Douglass One Pager essay
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