Five Steps On How To Build Your Self Esteem: Role Of Awareness In Knowing Yourself

In my perspective, knowing oneself is the individual’s belief about himself or herself, including the person’s attributes and who and what the person is. To be aware of oneself is to have a concept of yourself. The self- concept is an important term to identify about humanistic and social psychology.

Every individual has different behavioral components such as cognitive, feeling and social as described below.

Cognitive or self concept:

  • This concept is generally used to define and describe the self-concept, its influence on information processing and its diversity across social groups.

  • Describe the various types of self-awareness and self-consciousness.
  • Explore how we sometimes overestimate the accuracy with which other people view us.

Feeling or self- esteem:

  • Define self-esteem and explain how it is measured by other psychologists and outline the benefits of having high self-esteem.
  • Explore findings indicating diversity in self-esteem in relation to culture, gender and age.
  • Review the limits of self-esteem, with a focus on the negative aspects of self-admiration.
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Social situation:

  • Define social comparison and summarize how people use it to define their self-concepts and self-esteem.
  • Give examples of the use of upward and downward social comparison and their influences on social cognition and effect.
  • Describe the concept of self- presentation and various strategies we use to represent ourselves to others.

Building Blocks of Self or VITALS

Self-esteem cannot be build by outside influence, we just need to look into ourselves, what we think, who we are and how we want to spend our life.

I want to explain five different steps which helps a person to build self- esteem:


Awareness deals with a person’s negative thinking.

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Once you are aware of your thoughts, you can begin to use skills to challenge yourself and can to anything you wish to do.


Once you become aware of your thoughts, it gives you power, whether you are right or wrong. Acceptance does not mean you agree, rather it is a gentle way of reminding yourself that you can do it. It is a way of getting self-confidence.

Build mastery

Do one thing a day that makes you feel more effective and in control of your life. When you focus on the skill you already have, rather than focusing on the one you are lacking, you become more aligned with your positive self talk.

Plan Ahead

Formerly you have build an idea, you can make a plan to complete that task. You should be confident enough to complete your assignment.

VITALS is an acronym for six building blocks that is Values, Interests, Temperament, life mission and meaningful goals, strenghts.

Benefits of Knowing Yourself

Knowing who you are is the best way to discover your true core calling. It is also essential to choose your ideal business. By knowing ourselves we can lead everything we want.

  • The honor of giving space to who you are gives you access to so far hidden wisdom. We can gain access through asking most challenging questions. Through this, we can have new thought connections, fresh insights and rich realizations.
  • It allows you to see new opportunities. It is impossible to see the right opportunities when you are looking through false lenses. But once you know who you are, then you can see more of the opportunities that fit you and knowing ourselves allow us to fulfill our dreams.
  • We can be more productive with less effort. Authenticity allows us to get inspiration so we do not have to use will power, discipline and self-control to get things done. Inspiration is the only effective antidote to resistance.
  • We can only truly see what we want, what our heart desires from the vantage point of who you are. These desires of our heart of hearts feed us at a soul level. They are divine gifts that have been sent from God’s heart to ours.
  • Once we know who we are, we can choose or create work that is aligned with us. This work is natural edge that will give us both the greatest fulfillment and most prosperous rewards.
  • Knowing yourself can help increasing our decision-making skills. Once we are aware of our thinking and needs, we are able to create new ideas and make our own decision.
  • Self- identity allows us to see options that are more supportive of our true desires. On the other hand, if you are living a false life that was created by someone else, you will not be able to make your own preferences and choices. Living from true north gives you greater access to the actions you can take to get what you want.

Effect of Environment and Culture

A cultural environment is a set of beliefs, practices, customs and behaviors that are found to be common to everyone that is living within a certain population. Cultural environments shape the way that every person develops, influencing ideologies and personalities. Culture, therefore, influences the manner we learn, live and behave. Because of this, many theorists believe that culture is an important shaper of our personality.

Being an Indian, I have great impact of Indian culture and customs on me. I belong to a Sikh family and I would like to mention that in my family respect, self dependence and love are the foremost possessions.

In the beginning, every child learns from his or her parents. When I started my schooling, I learned how to talk to elders and how to behave. Like every individual, I have learned a lot from my entire life. My teachers taught me about significance of education, they taught me the difference between educated and illiterate. I acquired to learn what is the value of education in life and how a person can achieve his or her objectives.

Moreover, I got knowledge about Indian customs and traditions from my family and friends. In school and college, I used to participate in different gatherings with my friends which in turns helped me being friendly and confident. My family and friends always encouraged me towards my dreams and stood up in my ups and downs.

Every person has to face challenges in life, so do I. I had to face many complications in my life, however I never lost my confident. Those difficulties made me much stronger and resilient. According to my point of view, a person should be strong enough to face challenges to live life independently.

I have learned behavioral skills such as being independent, risk taking, making your own decisions and problem solving. If a person makes these skills their habit, he can tackle any problem. Being a decision maker and problem solver made me being independent as well, I never ask for support until I put my complete efforts doing a task. My culture taught me to be helpful, hard worker and self believer.

As we know, everyone has some strengths and weaknesses. If a person has strong suit, he will definitely have some feebleness. I would like to mention that I am an enthusiast, hard worker, loving and caring person. If someone give me his or her time, stay with me in my good and bad times, never leave my side by any chance then I am dedicated to that person faithfully. Apart from that, being a self-motivated person I make my own decisions and never rely upon others. However, I do believe in teamwork wherever it is necessary.

Works cited

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Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Five Steps On How To Build Your Self Esteem: Role Of Awareness In Knowing Yourself. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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