Fisher Price Mission and Vision Statement

Fisher Price is a company that has all the characteristics of a great mission and vision statement. Their mission statement is, “We believe in the potential of children and in the importance of a supportive environment in which they can grow, learn, and get the best possible start in life. Our company supports today’s families with young children through our breadth of products and services that make early childhood more fun and enriching” (http://www. fisher-price. com/us/hr/aboutus. asp). Some of the criteria of a good mission statement is to clearly state who your customers are and what is the reason your company is in existence.

Fisher Price addresses the fact that their customers are families with young children and they strive to provide products that can help young children grow in an entertaining yet educational way.

Fisher Price’s vision statement explains, “As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of babygear and preschool toys, Fisher-Price believes deeply in the power of innovation and fun to bring out the full potential of the world’s children.

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We continue to grow around the world, conducting business in 145 countries and producing toys in more than 37 languages” (http://www. fisher-price. com/en_US/about_us. html? option=3).

It is a positive statement that expresses Fisher Price’s goals for their company and their future. The organizational goals of this company are to create products that are great quality, educational, and entertaining for children and their families. They want employees who are talented and innovative and will help provide ideas to take this already legendary company one step ahead and keep their products new and fresh.

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This is clearly exemplified in their mission and vision statements. They talk about the products they provide, the customers they target, and the growth of the company’s employment rate providing jobs in over 145 countries.

This company’s grand strategy is best represented by the trend analysis. Since this company has been around since 1930 and has expanded and improved since then, it is easy to make an assumption based on the future. Following the company’s mission and vision and keeping up with the wants of future generations should prove to keep Fisher Price on the up and up in the business world. Looking at this information from a professional standpoint, I can see this is a company that puts an emphasis on its customers.

They not only want to provide products catered to a certain audience but they also want to continue to grow by finding ways to keep up with the times and technology in revamping their products. This is what has made their company one of the most well known in children’s products for many years. Continuing on with this vision will help them remain one of the best for years to come. This is one of the many reasons I would be more than happy to be a part of this team on a management level. I believe they provide amazing products and have more than proven their staying power.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Fisher Price Mission and Vision Statement. (2016, Nov 19). Retrieved from

Fisher Price Mission and Vision Statement essay
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