Eventive Wedding Consultancy

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This report is a business proposal for a wedding consultancy called Eventive and will explain the idea thoroughly to get an acceptance from the investors and startup the business.


Qatar is in an ongoing development phase to get to the top and the best, and it is known to be the most country in the Middleast to spend on weddings, whether it was from locals or residents.

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Qatar has a wide variety of wedding planners and event managers but not a wedding consultancy company.

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The following report will explain in depth our business proposal and our whole idea to the investors

Business Idea

Eventive Wedding Consultants is a full assistance organization that gives total counseling administrations to weddings, sacred associations and commemorations. Our experts are experienced and devoted experts with numerous long stretches of occasion arranging knowledge. Eventive is extraordinary in that we give our customers our full focus. We tune in to their needs and work with them to make the occasion they had always wanted. Our customers' desires become our directions. So, whether our customer needs a Western, Tropical, Las Vegas, Traditional, Luxurious or progressively conventional wedding, we can help. Our administrations incorporate weddings, special first nights, gatherings, commemoration counsels, spending arranging, and answers to all questions, just as full-administration referrals to flower vendors, beauticians, performers, artists, and so on.


Regardless of whether this is our customer's first wedding, a reestablishment of their promises or their commemoration; we need everything about their occasion to be both a pleasurable and an essential encounter. In this way we offer a large group of bundles and administrations explicitly custom fitted to the requirements of each couple. We are sure that this business adventure will be a triumph and we gauge that our overall gain will increment unobtrusively constantly by the second year.

Keys to success:

Administration our customers' needs speedily and proficiently.

Keep up a phenomenal working association with merchants, for example, flower vendors, hair salons and marriage shops.

Keep up an expert picture consistently.

Offer services that can be afforded by everyone

Company Summary:

Eventive Wedding Consultants is another business that gives wedding, hallowed affiliation, and recognition advising organizations to women, grooms and different relatives. We are a full-administration marriage counseling gathering and our objective is to put the "enjoyment" once more into arranging a wedding, sacred association or commemoration party. An excessive number of individuals become excessively pushed and disappointed when arranging these awesome occasions. We are experienced and proficient advisors and will utilize our ability to help make vital and calm occasions for our clients. By doing this, our customers can kick back and make the most of their occasion. We make occasions fit to the couple's special style- - a genuine articulation of their relationship and independence as a team.

Company ownership:

This business will begin as a straightforward ownership, claimed by its organizers, Sara Al Mahmoud, Leen Yaghmour and Ali Al-Rajabi. As the movement builds up and the company grows with an increase in demand, the owners will consider re-enrolling as a compelled commitment association or as an organization, whichever will better suite the future business needs and the demand of the customers.

Startup summary:

The organization authors, Ali, Sara and Leen, will deal with the everyday tasks of the arrangement and will work cooperatively to guarantee that this business adventure is a triumph.

We gauge that our beginning up costs will be 200,000 QR (counting legitimate costs, logo configuration, publicizing, standard mail, and related costs). An extra 100,000 QR will be required in the financial balance as a working capital for the initial two months of activity. The beginning up expenses are to be financed in equivalent bits by the proprietors' close to home assets.


We are a full-administration wedding expert gathering and give the accompanying administrations: decorum counsel, occasion booking, limited solicitations and items, seller affirmation, practice participation, supervision of both service and gathering arrangement and spending arranging.

Market Analysis:

About 1,000,000 QR are gone through consistently on each wedding or gathering in Doha, and that is the average cost. In this manner, proficient wedding advisors are an item, not a catastrophe. Eventive Wedding Consultants are full-administration wedding advisors that offer an assortment of administrations to our customers. We pride ourselves on being proficient and polite consistently and we have bundles to suit everybody's needs.

As recently expressed, marriage is a billion-dollar industry, along these lines, pretty much everybody we meet is a potential customer. In any case, we for the most part publicize to ladies, grooms, and relatives.

Market Needs:

The market requirements for wedding arranging administrations are firmly formed by the clients' longing to have a superbly arranged and executed wedding service. Albeit both significant client sections, ladies and grooms and relatives, plan and spending plan for the wedding service similar to a year or more ahead of time, they frequently understand that they can't make all the fundamental arrangements independent from anyone else in a savvy way. Unequivocally influenced by the set up social qualities, such clients look for expert counsel to guarantee that all the significant parts of the wedding service meet or surpass apparent desires.

Service Business Analysis:

The wedding administrations market is divided with the share of the occupants offering just a restricted line of administrations. There are various flower vendors, beauticians, and food providers to browse. In any case, there are no organizations that will give the full scope of administrations related with the wedding arranging and execution.

Competitive Summary:

Aggressive examination directed by the organization proprietors has demonstrated that there are about 20 organizations right now offering a type of wedding arranging administrations in Doha. Be that as it may, most of the occupant contenders offer just a constrained line of administrations like providing food, rose courses of action or blessings. Indeed, of these 20 contenders just three offered a scope of administrations similar with what Eventive Wedding Consultants intend to offer to its clients, although their main idea is planning and not consulting. Coming up next is the rundown of the significant contenders with a concise portrayal of their administrations:

Lease An-Action offers function planning, practicing and execution administrations.

Cross and Reeves give blossom and cooking plans and wedding counseling administrations.

Lafayette Wedding offers its customers engaging, cooking, flower structure and hair styling administrations.

The statistical surveying has additionally demonstrated that clients envision the total wedding counseling administrations to be costly and they're spending plan in like manner. Actually, lower costs are frequently connected with poor help quality. By collecting a total scope of wedding administrations under one rooftop, Eventive Wedding Consultants will offer its clients the simplicity of one-quit shopping.


Our Strategy is straightforward: we mean to furnish our clients with a wide scope of administrations exclusively custom-made to their individual needs. In this way, regardless of whether they require a total bundle, or just counseling on a specific assistance, we can help.

Sales Strategy:

The organization's business system will be founded on the accompanying components:

Promoting in the Yellow Pages: two inch by three inch advertisements depicting the administrations will be set in the country's Yellow Pages.

Setting promotions in the local press.

Creating associate associations with other specialist organizations (flower specialists, hairdressers, food providers) that would get a level of offers to the alluded clients.

Verbal referrals: creating prospective customers in the nearby network through client referrals.

Social Media: It's one of the most powerful marketing source nowadays. Creating accounts on social media that shows our work would be helpful to spread around people.

Personal Plan:

At first, Eventive Wedding Consultants' faculty will incorporate just the three proprietors, and those who will work all day. As the faculty plan appears, we hope to enlist an extra wedding specialist in the following year. This individual will work all day, yet won't be incorporated into the administration choices.


Eventive Wedding Consultant will be located in the heart of Doha where all companies and main offices are located and they are the heart of the business centers in Qatar and where there is a high demand on the offices. Eventive will be located in westbay Tornado Towers.


Eventive wedding consultant will afford the best services regarding any occasion. That will meet the financial demand of many people. We will offer the best with less cost. As we grow more our collaborations will spread more and our collaborators will be better. Our target plan will focus on Salam stores, Fifty-One East. Eventive will also collaborate with 5-star hotels such as Sheraton, Saint Regis and others where there is a high demand on the ballrooms, luxurious beauty centers Plaza Hollandi flower shop and many other places and shops to offer a satisfying service with the best quality due to our experience in wedding arrangements before establishing our own company.


Osterwalder, A. and Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Willowbrook, IL: Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries.

Salam Store. (2019). Salam Store. [online] Available at:

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Marriott International. (2019). Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel. [online] Available at:

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Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Eventive Wedding Consultancy. (2019, Nov 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/eventive-wedding-consultancy-essay

Eventive Wedding Consultancy essay
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