Expectations for the Journey Ahead

What are your expectations about the program?

Ever since when I was young, I dreamt of discovering the world through my own eyes. I am an adventurer and a risk-take. I love trying new things because I believe I learn from them, whatever the result is, good or bad. Part of my bucket list I hope to fulfill is to visit and know why Japan is unique in its own ways. When I first heard of the JENESYS Program, I was hesitant to entertain the thought of processing my application because I do not have much confidence that I might get in, but I took a leap of faith.

I decided that it is time for me to fulfill my dreams and not to confine myself before I get stuck with adulting. Two friends of mine who are JENESYS Alumni told me that I should grab the opportunity because this might also open another door of opportunities in building my career.

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I have also realized that being part of this program might be very helpful in developing my interpersonal skills. Having recently earned my bachelor degree in Management, I believe this program will help me understand more about how to deal with people --- especially that, my field of expertise deals with people. If be blessed with the chance to participate in the program, I expect to learn numerous things about Japan --- the people, culture, technology, lifestyle, and economy. First, the people. My aspiration to go to Japan goes along with the aspiration to meet the people there because I have read in some articles that Japanese people are very welcoming to visitors which makes their culture somehow similar to the Philippines.

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Moreover, I have also read that the Japanese are very hardworking, disciplined, patriotic, and give too much importance to cleanliness. These things amaze me as it posed a question "what makes Japanese people unique?". I do acknowledge that every country has its own tradition, lifestyle, cultural inclinations and etc., but my knowledge is just limited to what I have read. I want to experience what it feels like to interact with other people from the other side of the world, first hand. Second, the place. The reason why I want to be in this program is that, I want to try new places, both local and abroad. Having heard this opportunity, I believe this could help me achieve my aspiration to be in different places, which gives emphasis on my third reason; I want to study the culture of Japan to broaden my horizons with regard to cultural diversity. I am an advocate of cultural preservation because I believe that culture distinguishes us from the rest of the world. The uniqueness of culture each group of people possesses defines their history --- how they have survived through time, thrived in, and adapt to global innovations. Japan, undeniably, is a master of cultural preservation. I want to explore more about the details on how they have preserved in various cultural practices, i.e. Japanese kimono, sumo wrestling, love locks, the significance of floating lanterns, even to the way Japanese people sit. I want to know why they are so inclined in preserving their culture and traditions because as a Management graduate, diversity in the workplace is a significant matter to look into in human resource management and I believe the exposure to Japanese culture can help broaden my understanding on how to deal with people, both professionally and socially. Lastly, I want to know about how Japan emerged as a global power. I always have interest in learning the history of countries regarding the economic development, industrial improvement and the like. Japan's history as a global power is very interesting because of its spectacular economic and social growth through the years, not to mention, the level where Japan is right now with regard to technological advancement.

Once accepted, what do you think can you contribute to the program?

If ever I get accepted to the program, I am more willing to participate actively in every activity. I will always be on time at the venue, will try my best to maintain good impressions to the people around through interacting positively and answering to questions politely and courteously. In addition, I will also help promote the Filipino culture through telling them what we do here in the Philippines. I believe I am sufficiently equipped enough with the experiences being a Filipino, and I am more willing to share these experiences to other people to showcase what also makes the Filipino people unique. Likewise, along with the interest in sharing my experiences and knowledge, I am also willing to share my talents and skills. I can sing OPM songs, dance traditional dances or share some facts about the Philippine history, if necessary. In addition, my attitude towards working within a group is also one of my strengths. I am considerate, pleasant and dependable, and I am comfortable working with all personality types. I also have a positive outlook with regard to understanding my responsibilities and taking every step as a challenge, having progressive work ethics, and, giving the best I can in any circumstances to meet the objectives of the program. These I believe can be my social contribution to the realization of an interactive program.

What are your plans after you return from the program?

I have already a number of plans after the program. Currently, I am working as one of the program anchors in a Radio Program called Ephphatha. This program is realized through the efforts of the Archdiocese of Palo and Kaugop Radio Station here in Leyte. Our radio program basically dwells on the spiritual foundation of the Catholic Church, however, we do not limit our scope of discussion on spiritual dimension only, we also talk about other topics, i.e. career, lifestyle, love life, variety of cultural traditions especially on spiritual aspects and etc. If ever I get the chance to be exposed to the program JENESYS and supplement my knowledge on facts about Japan, especially on their culture and tradition, I am willing to open a suggestion to the other anchors if we can set a particular day where we can talk about the cultural traditions and spiritual inclinations of the other countries and most probably, if we can give more emphasis on Japan and the Philippines. This way, I can also share the experiences and the lessons I have learned during JENESYS. What makes the radio program more interesting is that, we let the listeners participate the discussion through sending their queries and comments through our text line number.

In addition, it would also be easier for me to share my experiences and let other people know more about Japan since I am a member of a Parish Youth Ministry. I believe they would be more excited to hear wonderful stories and amazing facts about the culture, lifestyle, the way how people deal with each other in Japan and the like.

I have also social media accounts in Facebook and Instagram, hence, I can share there my experiences through posting photos and encouraging my social media friends to go visit Japan.

Basically, these are my plans I hope to achieve after the program. As an advocate of cultural preservation, I am really delighted to hear that there are programs such as these where the youths are introduced with new learnings. If I get the chance to be admitted into the program, I will work hard to accomplish the plans I have mentioned above, so that I can also share with my fellow youth the significance of cultural preservation that perhaps, might trigger them to do the same.

Number of words: 1,253

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

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