Environmental sustainability of Nestlé


The environmental and sustainability report has actually become a growing number of important information to reflect the corporate social responsibility of the business. The companies, in specific the huge international business noted in the general public, have actually paid much attention to reveal the relevant information just recently (Ecological Leader, 2008). Nestlé is one of the popular food making company, and this present paper is to study the pertinent environmental and sustainability of Nestlé appropriately.

Environmental sustainability of Nestlé

Based on the sustainability report of Nestlé, the pertinent environmental sustainability efficiency information of Nestlé has actually been plainly set out, including government and systems, life cycle method, the effect of water, climate change, air emissions, transportations and distribution, packaging optimization, waste and recovery and biodiversity (Veritas, 2012).

Due to the info offered by Nestlé, the value of Nestlé in relation to the environmental sustainability is to boost its environmental performance and effective operations, decrease the negative impacts on the natural deposit, and constantly utilize the cost saving approaches in terms of raw materials, water, and so on.

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On the other hand, the objective of Nestlé is to provide the delicious food and drinks, along with get the much better environmental efficiency, with a view to enhance the performance of organisation operation and environmental effect appropriately (Veritas, 2012).

In Nestlé’s report of environmental sustainability, it has introduced various actions that Nestlé carried out this year in order to achieve the environmental sustainability goals. The actions taken by Nestlé include investing CHF 143 million in environmental improvements, performing the relevant project to enhance the environmental impact by reducing water use, non-renewable energy consumption, GHG emissions, avoiding waste and enhancing the utilities of the products, such as the packaging.

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In addition, Nestlé also has worked with the suppliers to improve the performance of its supply chain (Veritas, 2012). Nestlé has provided the quantity information of its performance environmental sustainability since year 2001, including reducing 17% GHG emissions, reduced by 58% and 42% per tonne of product in terms of water withdrawals and energy consumption respectively. Meanwhile, the renewable energy consumption has reduced to 12% of total energy consumption, and the water discharges has reduced by 64% per tonne of product.

The efforts that Nestlé put into the environmental sustainability may increase the cost of its business, but on the other hand, those efforts can also generate more production volume. For instance, the total on-site energy consumption slightly increased by 0.5%, while the total production volume increased by 73.3% over the same period since year 2001. Furthermore, Nestlé has obtained various awards and recognitions of its performance in environmental sustainability, such as 2011 Stockholm Industry Water Award, 27th World Environment Center Gold Medal award for its commitment to environmental sustainability (Veritas, 2012). Based on the information provided by Nestlé, it has demonstrated that Nestlé has paid much attention to the environmental issue and Nestlé has the high social responsibility of the environment impact.

Meanwhile, there are various elements that heavily influenced the operations of Nestlé, and Nestlé needs to face the relevant challenges of those impacts, including the access of the clean water, constant innovation for the tasty and nutritious food and beverages for the growth population, reducing GHG from its operation, etc. (Veritas, 2012). In the end, the efforts and resources that Nestlé engaged has not only obtained the long terms positive impact of its corporate profits, but also established the favorable corporate image of its brand and obtained the highly reward for the public (Kolk, 2004).


To sum up, Nestlé has established a systemic approach in environmental sustainability and has disclosed the comprehensive environmental sustainability reports to the public. Nestlé is not the company that only simply chases the growth of its financial revenues, but it also focuses on the environmental impact caused by its business. The release of the relevant information that the company engaged in sustainability activities can make the shareholders and the public know much about the value of company, and generate the positive influences in the long term.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Environmental sustainability of Nestlé. (2016, Dec 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/environmental-sustainability-of-nestle-essay

Environmental sustainability of Nestlé essay
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