The environment that the current generation is growing up with today is very different from the one that the grandparents and the great, great grandparents have lived with. Environmental issues are escalating rapidly in a global scale. The governments are tasked to address or to at least pioneer the solution to such issues.

However, if the governments fail to do what should be done, then who will save the environment? A better question perhaps is: Does the government even know what should be done? This paper gives an overview of the current environmental issues that the world is facing on a global scale and an analysis of two Environment Resource Management programs of two provinces in Canada, specifically, the provinces of New Brunswick, New Foundland, and Labrador.

The paper focuses on the Forest Management Programs of the two provinces and their effectiveness.

There are numerous environmental problems that the world is facing today. Global warming is already the big picture and the large scale of the problem—deforestation issues, wildlife habitat, air and water pollution, waste management—the list goes on (McMullen & Hayden, 2009).

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These issues encompass the factors causing this appalling dilemma (Hongen, 2007). This paper will focus on one particular dilemma that is greatly connected to everything that needs to be solved—forest management.

The forest is one very important component of the world since it provides the much needed oxygen and greenery that the human population needs and wants (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2005). Unfortunately, forests are now decreasing as illegal logging is rampant, and there is a need to build condominiums and malls and to acquire other wood and timber necessities.

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Several forest protection programs have been created as government of different countries strive hard to protect the environment. However, even if they are trying very hard to protect their forests, a lot of accident and unfortunate circumstances still occur.

Not only are there man-made mistakes, but there are also unavoidable situations wherein it is Mother Earth herself who is testing the people. One of the countries that are currently facing numerous environment issues, including forestry activities, is Canada, which is regarded as the second-largest country in the world next to Russia (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], 2009).

At present, two of the provinces under the large country of Canada are both very active participants in this issue: New Brunswick (NB) and New Foundland and Labrador (NFL). Hence, this paper aims to provide an analysis of two Environment Resource Management programs specifically designed for the forest management of the two Canadian provinces mentioned, as well as an assessment of their effectiveness.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Environmental Resource Management. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Environmental Resource Management essay
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