Discussion of Whether the Washington Football Team Should Change Their Name

Categories: Sports


The controversy surrounding the name of the Washington Football Team, formerly known as the Washington Redskins, has generated significant debate in recent years. This issue revolves around questions of cultural sensitivity, historical significance, and the impact of team names on societal attitudes. While supporters of the name change argue that it perpetuates racial stereotypes and offends Native American communities, opponents maintain that the name is rooted in tradition and holds historical value. This essay seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of the arguments on both sides of the debate, drawing upon a range of academic sources to assess the ethical, cultural, and social implications of the team's name.

Historical Context and Controversy

The Washington Football Team's name has been a point of contention for decades, as its origins date back to the early 1930s. Over time, concerns have emerged regarding the term "Redskins," which is considered by many to be a derogatory term that perpetuates harmful stereotypes of Native Americans.

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A pivotal moment in this debate came with the growing awareness of social justice issues, prompting calls for reevaluation of symbols and names that might be deemed offensive. This has led to a broader conversation about the intersection of sports and cultural sensitivity.

Cultural Sensitivity and Representation

One of the main arguments put forth by those advocating for a name change is rooted in the principle of cultural sensitivity. Native American activists and scholars have argued that the term "Redskins" is a racial slur that trivializes and marginalizes their rich and diverse cultures.

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According to Dr. Stephanie Fryberg, a professor of American Indian Studies, such team names reinforce harmful stereotypes that have real-world consequences, contributing to the perpetuation of bias and discrimination against indigenous communities (Fryberg et al., 2016). Advocates contend that by changing the team's name, it can pave the way for a more inclusive and respectful approach to representation.

Historical Significance and Tradition

On the other hand, proponents of keeping the team's name argue that it holds historical significance within the context of the franchise's history. The team's name change is seen by some as a break from a cherished tradition and a disconnection from its roots. Historian Mary McNamara asserts that understanding the name in its historical context is essential, as it reflects the attitudes prevalent during its establishment (McNamara, 2014). This perspective maintains that altering the name would erase a part of the team's history and could be perceived as a rejection of the positive elements associated with the team.

Economic and Commercial Considerations

The controversy also extends to economic and commercial aspects. The Washington Football Team's name is intrinsically tied to branding, merchandise, and fan loyalty. Changing the name requires significant financial investments to rebrand the team and modify marketing materials. This is a concern for team owners and investors who are hesitant to lose the recognition and fan base built around the current name. Proponents of maintaining the name argue that any decision to change it should take into account the potential economic implications and carefully weigh the costs and benefits.

Public Perception and Social Responsibility

A key consideration in the debate is the role of professional sports teams in shaping public perception and reinforcing societal norms. Research indicates that team names and mascots can influence attitudes and perpetuate stereotypes. A study by Richard Lapchick and Ashley Johnson found that Native American mascots can reinforce stereotypes and contribute to a hostile environment for indigenous individuals (Lapchick & Johnson, 2018). This highlights the broader social responsibility of sports teams to be conscious of their impact on public perception and cultural sensitivity.


The controversy surrounding the Washington Football Team's name is a multifaceted issue that intersects cultural sensitivity, historical significance, economic considerations, and social responsibility. While arguments in favor of a name change emphasize the need for cultural respect and representation, opponents emphasize the importance of tradition and the potential economic consequences. As society evolves, so too must its institutions, and professional sports teams are no exception. Striking a balance between respecting tradition and addressing cultural concerns will likely continue to be a challenge for the franchise moving forward.

In contemplating the future of the Washington Football Team's name, it is crucial to heed the voices of Native American communities and scholars who emphasize the harmful impact of racial stereotypes. Moreover, the ethical implications of perpetuating potentially offensive symbols in the name of tradition should be thoughtfully evaluated. Regardless of the decision reached, the broader conversation about the intersection of sports, culture, and social responsibility will undoubtedly persist, driving us to confront questions of identity, representation, and inclusivity in the realm of professional sports.

Updated: Aug 16, 2023
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Discussion of Whether the Washington Football Team Should Change Their Name. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/discussion-of-whether-the-washington-football-team-should-change-their-name-essay

Discussion of Whether the Washington Football Team Should Change Their Name essay
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