Whether the charcoal and the engine oil can be an alternative?

Categories: Search Engines

A. Background of the Study
Being resourceful is very important to subdue the economic crisis we’re facing as of today. Now, our school is not anymore using green boards and chalks, instead we have the whiteboard or glass board and we’re already using advance technologies in order to discuss. Most of the students don’t have a Whiteboard marker because they say that it’s too expensive.

As a student researcher, we have researched about the materials that can be an alternative to produce a whiteboard marker ink.

We found out that charcoal and used engine oil can be alternative materials to make a whiteboard marker ink. Charcoal being the pigment contains the chemical that can make our study possible enough.

Whiteboard marker or dry-erase marker uses an erasable ink, made to be used on a slick, non-porous writing surface, for temporary writing with overhead projectors, whiteboards, and the like. They may also be used by children, making marks that are easy to clean.

The erasable ink does not contain the toxic chemical compounds xylene and/or toluene as have been used in permanent markers.

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Wet erase markers are another version that is used on overhead projectors, signboards, whiteboards, and other non-porous surfaces.

Charcoal is a light black residue consisting of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen. It is usually an impure form of carbon as it contains ash.

It is mentioned that charcoal is an impure form of carbon.

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Whiteboard marker inks can be classified as carbon inks.

Carbon inks were commonly made from lampblack or soot and a binding agent such as gum arabic or animal glue. The binding agent keeps the carbon particles in suspension and adhered to paper. It is not ideal for permanence and ease of preservation. Carbon ink has a tendency to smudge in humid environments and can be washed off a surface as it was happening when we’re using whiteboard markers in writing.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to have a further proof that charcoal and engine oil can be an alternative material for making whiteboard marker ink.

1. Can charcoal and used engine oil be an alternative source in making whiteboard marker ink? 2. How advantageous is this in terms of:
a. Color
b. Effectiveness
c. Odor

C. Hypothesis
D. Significance of the Study
The significance of conducting this study was to help the community specifically the teachers and students to have an alternative ink without spending too much money.

If we succeed in doing this, it would be easier for an individual to conduct a product such whiteboard marker that can contribute a lot of good things to others especially to us, OLCAns because we’re fund of using whiteboard markers to discuss the lessons and we all know that whiteboard marker is required in every classroom in our school. E. Scope and Limitation

This study is only limited and focused on the investigation of the effectiveness of Charcoal and Engine oil as an alternative source for whiteboard marker ink production. This will only observe the product’s writing capabilities such as its color, effectiveness and odor. The product only focuses on one function which is the use of our product in writing on non-porous surfaces such as the glass board. F. Definition of terms

Charcoal- Charcoal is a light black residue consisting of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Whiteboard marker- uses an erasable ink, made to be used on a slick, non-porous writing surface, for temporary writing with overhead projectors, whiteboards, and the like. Engine oil- an oil used for lubrication of various internal combustion engines.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_oil
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteboard_marker
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Whether the charcoal and the engine oil can be an alternative?. (2016, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/whether-the-charcoal-and-the-engine-oil-can-be-an-alternative-essay

Whether the charcoal and the engine oil can be an alternative? essay
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