The Difference between Hygiene Factors and Motivators

Difference between hygiene factors and motivators

Hygiene factors and motivators are also known as the two-factor theory or dual-factor theory which was introduced by Frederick Herzberg in the 1960s. The following paragraph will show the difference between these two factors. Firstly, hygiene factors are the satisfying need that enables the person to stay within that particular organization. This includes factors such as salary, job security, working condition, supervision, and relationship with peers/ boss.

For example, a person may ‘have’ to work with that company because they offer a permanent job with a sufficient income so that person can maintain his/ her standard of living.

Whereas motivators are the inspiring need that pushes the person to achieve higher which include factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and growth.

In some companies like the Kellogg Company, they practice the ‘Fit for Life’ program where they offer free access to the fitness centre, gyms, and health checks.

They also grant ‘Summer Hours’ program whereby employees can enjoy flexible working hours provided that an employee has met the working hours for the full week.

By doing so, the company consistently delivers strong results as the employee are highly motivated and enthusiastic towards the company’s business.

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Secondly, the difference between the two factors is that hygiene factors often refers to as ‘dissatisfiers’ because elements in the workplace such as excessive company bureaucracy or an autocratic working environment may lead to a stressful and unhappy employee.

As a result, the company’s productivity may not improve or even decline due to the lack of intrinsic motivation.

In contrast, the company will get better performance if motivator factors (which are also known as ‘satisfier’) are introduced.

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Rewarding employees with bonuses and promotion for their achievement are the common ways for motivating an employee. Or the company can adapt to a different approach of motivation by challenging the employee with more responsibility so that the full potential of the employee can be fully utilized. Thus, the employee is consistently motivated to achieve higher results.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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The Difference between Hygiene Factors and Motivators essay
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