Developmental need of children from ages 0-8 years

Development is the process of learning new skills and abilities. A child’s development is the term given to the development of infants through childhood. Although all children will go through the same stages of development, not all of them will go through these stages at the same time. Childs development can be measured by the five key stages of development which are emotional, social, physical, language and intellectual. A child will go through these stages of development in the first eight years of their lives.

Child’s development relies heavily on their growth through their growth their developmental stages evolve significantly.

Physical Development:

0-2 years:

After a baby is born physical contact begins when they lie on their backs, they are also inclined to turn their heads to sounds and movements. By six months when they hear their name they turn around to see who is around, they can touch their toes and discover their fingers, smile at familiar faces.

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They are able to put things in their mouth. As the child grows older they become more agile and will be able to crawl and shuffle around and may even attempt to walk unaided, raise their arms to be lifted, able to reach and hold food in their hands. At two they should be in the early stages of walking and feeding themselves. They become very independent at this age.

3-5 years:

Within the ages of 3 to 5 the stages of child development get stronger. At this point they will have been able to walk up and down the stairs, catches a gently thrown ball, learns how to paint and names of colours, identifying them.

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At the age of four a child with have mastered pedalling their bikes, they are aware that this is how it is manoeuvred. They will be able to throw with aim. By the age of five the child will be able to copy shapes and letters, have more self control with their writing instruments.

5-8 years:

By the time the child is between the ages of five and eight they will have developed immensely. Their concentration levels will have developed. They become more accustomed to discipline within an educational setting, their skills for drawing will have enhanced now knowing to colour between the lines and their drawing will more resemble the objects they are trying to create.

Intellectual Development:

0-2 years:

Within the early months a child will make eye contact and focus on objects, they will also learn the sound of their mother’s voice. By six months the will be developing their co-ordination they will be reaching out with their hands to grasp an object offered to them. By twelve months they shall be developing their memory and will have the ability to remember thing such as a familiar face a favourite toy or comforter. They will also express emotions crying and laughing if others around do so they will express their emotions without knowing why. At the age of two a child will be amusing themselves with ‘pretend’ play with favourite toys they have and will adapt to making sounds from a variety of instruments.


At the age of three a child will develop the stage of pretend play and become more complex. Their concentration span will increase; their memory will be developing very quickly. They will then be able to relate and understand past and future. By the age of five they will have a great understanding of numeracy and literacy, learning to count confidently. At this age they tend to become very curious and inquisitive and ask endless question, always needing to know about things.

5-8 years:

By the time a child reaches this age they will be very independent. Their reading and writing skills will have progressed and advanced immensely. They will have developed in their drawings now resembling objects they want, they will be developing intellectually every day adjusting to education in a stronger sense than in their earlier years.

Language Development:

0-2 years:

Babies are only capable of expressing their language through crying, cooing and gurgling within the first 3 months, as they get older they become more expressive, responding to sound, laughing and imitating other sounds or noises. Although only and infant and unable to form sentences yet babies will begin mimicking animal noises or saying singular words such as (mama or dada). By the time a child is two it is thought that they have a vocabulary of almost 50 words. Children of this age will begin to talk at a rapid speed and are said to enjoy taking part in conversations.

3-5 years:

Children from the age of three shall now be able to speak in sentences expressing their vocabulary using past and present tenses without understanding that they are doing so. They enjoy hearing stories and listening to music at this age. By the time they are four they are likely to become very inquisitive asking a variety of questions about different things.

5-8 years:

The child’s vocabulary will have increased significantly. They are very confident speakers and will have a great understanding of many words although they may not always use them. By eight years old they will be able to give accurate descriptions and should be able to recognise similarities.

Emotional Development:

0-2 years:

Within the first few months of an infant’s life they will show many expressions and shall be able to identify their mother and fathers voice. They thrive through interaction and are very trusting and they enjoy the contact with others. By the time a child is a year old it will be used to familiar faces and will become extremely wary of unfamiliar faces and may become distressed in their company. They also imitate the feelings of other people not knowing the reason why they are copying their reactions. When the child is two they develop fears and phobias such as fear of the dark or spiders. The child sense of identity progresses rapidly at this point.

3-5 years:

They are more aware of their feelings and emotions at this stage; they are able to express how they feel. Increase in imagination. They are accepting to other people’s feelings and capable of concealing their own emotions. By the age of five as child will be very good at controlling their emotions.

5-8 years:

Showing signs of competitiveness. Arguments emerge through competitiveness, either with siblings or students which will make the child more stubborn and demanding. Mood changes start to appear by the age of eight. Less arguments as they become more mature. Children depend greatly on peer approval; becoming accepted is highly rated at this age.

Social Development:

0-2 years:

Babies are very sociable. They like to know and participate in what’s going on around them. They enjoy company immensely. They may also begin to feed themselves as their social skills begin to develop. By the time a child is a year old they will have become less dependent on interaction as they will have learned to play alone. At the age of two they will be very independent and will insist on dressing and feeding themselves.

3-5 years:

Capable of making friends and learning how to share and take turns. At this age they will resort to tantrums if they do not get their own way. Enjoy socialising. Forge friendships. By the age of five they will have made a number of friends. They will have a great understanding of what’s right and wrong.

5-8 years:

May become less sociable and may wish to spend more time alone. May have a vast number of friends to whom they may fall in and out of company with. Prefer to surround themselves with trusted companions. As their confidence grows they will find their place in the social circle to which they are comfortable with.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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