Crime and Deviant Behaviour are Often Confused

Categories: Criminal Profiling

“Crime is an interdisciplinary science.” (Brown, Hoffman & Siegel,2017) For maximum of the 20th century, criminology's primary orientation became sociological, however nowadays it is able to be regarded as an integrated method to examine a criminal behaviour. we can take factors from every faculty of concept to formulate an included definition of crime which includes the following- “Crime is a violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted and expressed by the criminal law, which reflects public opinion, traditional values, and the viewpoint of people currently holding social and political power.

Individuals who violate these rules are subject to sanctions by state authority, social stigma, and loss of status.” (Brown, et al.,2017) It means that an act considered socially destructive or unsafe, that's particularly characterised, disallowed or rebuffed beneath criminal law. Deviance may be a behaviour that departs from the social standard but isn't essentially criminal.

Deviance thus incorporates a wide range of behaviours, extending from the foremost socially hurtful, such as assault and kill, to the moderately harmless, such as body alteration or cross-dressing.

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“A deviant act becomes a crime when it is deemed socially harmful or dangerous; it then will be specifically defined, prohibited, and punished under criminal law.” (Brown, et al.,2017) A few types of behaviours or hones, such as body tattoo and piercing, possibly unordinary, but are seen by most of us moderately safe; typically, an illustration of what Hagan calls a 'social diversion'. Other sorts of degenerate behaviour, maybe coming about from mental sickness, may be seen as possibly more undermining or unsafe to the open, and so bring forward a more grounded societal reaction such as commitment to a healing centre, or community supervision; Hagan terms this sort of aberrance 'social deviation'.

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'Conflict crimes' are sorts of abnormality that society has defined in law as criminal, but there's still not a parcel of agreement about whether these acts are truly criminal; cannabis utilize may be a great illustration. “What is considered deviant or criminal can change over time and can be culturally specific; for example, running lottery games used to be illegal in Canada, but such a practice is now considered a social diversion” (Brown, et al.,2017) “Criminologists are often concerned with the concept of deviance and its relationship to criminality” (Brown, et al.,2017) The moving definition of deviant behaviour is closely related to our concepts of wrongdoing. In spite of the fact that wrongdoings may be characterized as acts that are socially hurtful or perilous, criminologists still contrast over what acts are genuinely 'destructive' and who chooses that they are 'unsafe.

A criminologist choice of introduction or viewpoint in this way depends, in portion, on his/her definition of wrongdoing. For example, LGBTQ is seen as deviant behaviour and is even considered as a crime in many countries. The history shows that until the mid-1970s, the criminalization of homosexuality left little room to think of LGBT people in the criminal justice system as anything other than deviant sexual offenders. (Woods & Blair,2017)

The slant to decriminalize homosexuality within the mid-1970s opened a contract space for researchers, advocates, and policymakers to utilize antidiscrimination standards to redefine LGBT individuals within the criminal equity framework as blameless and nondeviant despise wrongdoing casualties, as restricted to degenerate sexual wrongdoers. “These one-dimensional narratives miss many criminal justice problems that especially fall on LGBT people who bear the brunt of inequality in the criminal justice system-including LGBT people of colour, transgender, undocumented LGBT people, LGBT people living with HIV, and low-income and homeless LGBT people.” (Woods & Blair,2017) Thus, there is a thin line between deviant behaviours and crimes and one should know how and where to draw those sensibly.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Crime and Deviant Behaviour are Often Confused. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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