Concepts and Theories in the Human Service Field

​The paper will investigate the three concepts, topics, or theories that are vital for the professionals and must be known by them in the sphere of human services while dealing with customers. The theories, concepts, and topics which are significant to the professionals in the human service area will be discussed as well. In would be necessary to appeal to several reliable scholarly sources to support the offered statements.

For instance, it would be interesting to understand the reason the stage of Identity Development suggested by Erikson versus Role Confusion be vital to the professionals in a human services area who deals with teenagers who are trying to explore their sexuality.

The behavior if different customers served by the human services workers to help them establish appropriate theories, concepts, and topics have to be considered as well.

​Firstly, it is important to mention that the area of human services has been defined by a number of scholars in various ways. By gathering all the definitions, it may be stated that this field is directed to meet the basic needs of people through the interdisciplinary foundation of knowledge, concentrating on prevention and remediation of the existing problems and maintaining a commitment to improving the entire quality of life of service people.

The professionals in the human services field are the people who promote the improving service delivery systems not just by addressing the quality of services directly, but also by looking for improvement of accountability, accessibility, and management among the professional workers and agencies in human services.

​The professionals in human services accomplish a unique contribution which is completely different from the actions of other workers who just comment on the need for social changes.

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These professionals are directed at personal risks; they invest a lot into their professional lives in order to provide the needed social changes.

The professionals in human service obtain a rare combination of skills in order to be able to perform their roles like change the agents; active servant leadership, listening, and protecting skills in defining needs and empowering other people through the engagement of people, groups of individuals, families, companies, organizations, and communities to make changes in order to enhance the life quality in the whole world (“Social Issues and Social Justice: The role of human service professionals in creating change”, 2017).

No shortage of needs exists in this world. Personal passions can serve as a driver, however, the professional ethics and skills, and “conduct learned from practice derived from evidence-based research, are tools that move tough issues forward” (“Social Issues and Social Justice: The role of human service professionals in creating change”, 2017). Thus, the main difference between the professionals in human services and other professionals is in different influence provided by social change.

The human service professionals are able to integrate various needs at once, and multiple resources toward the stated aims; perceiving the picture of the entire social change and solving the world one problem at the same time (“Social Issues and Social Justice: The role of human service professionals in creating change”, 2017).

Based on the investigations of psychologists, from the behavior and cognitive lens, time can be linked in order to measure the client outcomes and record the length and number of interventions (Woodside, McClam, Diambra & Varga, 2012). Time plays an important role in the human service profession. The strategies of service delivery have been established and adopted in order to help professions to address the existing time limitations. “Time-limited interventions with clients include therapies such as Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and strategies such as case management” (Woodside, McClam, Diambra & Varga, 2012). Both therapies have been established with the aim to address the issues of resource outcomes and expenditure.

Based on the fundamental belief that people develop their personal identity in stages, the present knowledge of identity establishment is based on the theories of Erikson, Piaget and other psychologist s and philosophers. Proceeding these researches, Kegan offered a framework for the long-term development of the self into the meaning-making and moral entity that contributed in human understanding of the professional identity development in different fields. The classification offered by Kegan, that deals with the general identity formation, includes six stages, which start with the childhood and then extend to the adulthood (Cruess, Cruess, Boudreau, Snell & Steinert, 2015).

These stages are the following:

  • incorporation;
  • impulsion;
  • imperial;
  • interpersonal;
  • institutional;
  • interindividual (Cruess, Cruess, Boudreau, Snell & Steinert, 2015).

The first stage and the final one stages, which are not pertinent to the development of young adults. During the second stage, people take on a professional role, however, it cannot be completely integrated into the identity of these individuals. During the third stage, people start to be identified with the profession they obtain, until they become absolutely integrated and immersed with, as the concepts of service and altruism start to take hold (Cruess, Cruess, Boudreau, Snell & Steinert, 2015).

People who manage to achieve the fourth stage can be characterized as the self-defining professionals in their area, they may negotiate conflicts between the professional values and criticize or risk the aspects of their profession. Their reason is in emotions control. During this stage, an authentic, profound and unshakable incorporation appears together with professional identity (Cruess, Cruess, Boudreau, Snell & Steinert, 2015).

Another concept that has to be considered by the appealing to such important and complicated topic as human service professionals I a concept of trust that plays a significant role in the process of client-worker cooperation and of course, as a result, impact the outcomes of this cooperation (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011).

In the professional services world dominated by knowledge show a great sector of the economy. The human services workers have the scope to concentrate their resources on narrow areas of expertise, obtain the experience across various client’s range, and innovate in the engagement process (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011).

Since relations and knowledge are the sources of sustainable competitive outcomes, providers of the professional service and customers need continually to enhance the development of their relationships. Relationships based on knowledge may be deepened by the common trust. It is vital to understand the significance of trust in relationships dynamics of the providers of professional service and the clients who get these services (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011). Obviously, the development of trust in this type of relationship is a significant part of the successfully finalized process. Without trust, any healthy relationship can be built, developed and lead to the desired results.

The knowledge of service provider professionals and close cooperation with the companies contribute to the development of the healthy competitive services or products. Professional services include management and business consulting, advertising and marketing services, engineering services, legal services, accounting, etc. These services are individualized and based on the solution of the particular problems of clients, usually, they are too complicated and have to be delayed. They also require a very high competence and knowledge of those professionals who provide them, and in unusual or critical cases in business, the experts who provide them, corporate the professionals and executives, may help to look for and insert innovative solutions (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011).

During the professional services, the most significant role plays not the technology, but the competence of the professionals, their experience, creativity, and insight. “in the process of professional service provision, it is not enough knowledge of service providers” (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011) in the cooperation of service providers and client, in the processes of establishment, exchange, development, and dissemination of new knowledge vital for solving the problem (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011).

In this field trust in determines if the customer maintains a relationship with the service provider professional in the future and what the value of these relationships would be. In other words, trust is a catalyst for cooperation among people. Despite the fact, the trust of the client in service provider is vital for all the existing services, in the provision of professional services it takes even more important role due to their unique characters (Bagdoniene & Jakstaite, 2011).

Based on the analyzed sources and previously conducted investigations, as well as on the profound interpretation of all the concepts, it can be concluded that there are three main concepts that are particularly important during the process of communication between the service providers and the clients. First of all, the knowledge and experience of the professionals., which is particularly significant for the establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship. The not less important thing in the development of a healthy relationship on the business arena plays trust. Without trust, there will not be any long-term expected consequences even if at first glance everything seems to be perfect.

Thus, it must be concluded that there are particular concepts and theories that have to be considered by the professionals in the human service field in order to achieve the desired results. Since clients can be very different, the professionals must be well-acknowledged and psychologically ready to find the right attitude to each of them.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Concepts and Theories  in the Human Service Field essay
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