Comparison and Contrast of The Hobbit Novel and The Hobbit Films

Categories: Novel

The Hobbit: An unanticipated journey and The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug had a great director; Peter Jackson to keep every original idea that J. R. R. Tolkien would have in mind if he was the one to direct these motion pictures. They kept that it's not just about getting Dwarves their homeland back, but the advancement of a quiet, remain-at-home and stay-safe Hobbit. The majority of the characters were well analyzed in the movie like Thorin's greed for the Arkenstone, how that is related to his youth and how the kingdom was balanced on the Arkenstone's power.

The films kept the same sensation that one would receive from reading the book. A Hobbit on his experience, there and back once again. Though they kept the same sensation, some scenes and characters appeared although they were never included in the novel. Tauriel was a she-elf that created a love triangle between Kili and Legolas. In the book, Kili opts for the other dwarves, getting into Smaug's lair.

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In the film, he gets injured in the leg by an arrow that becomes infected and he's forced to stay in Laketown with Bard and the others, and Tauriel and Fili his brother.

Their deaths are different from the original story. Also, the size of Smaug became enormous compared to the book and J. R. R. Tolkien had his own artwork of the rough size of this dragon and the amount of gold he settled in. The treasure and how much dragon remained under the mountain was blown off the scale.

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These differences hardly impact the plot, but those are some differences between The Hobbit novel and The Hobbit movies.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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Comparison and Contrast of The Hobbit Novel and The Hobbit Films. (2018, Oct 06). Retrieved from

Comparison and Contrast of The Hobbit Novel and The Hobbit Films essay
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