Compare and Contrast APA Style

Categories: Compare And Contrast

Have you ever heard of Piaget and Vygotsky and their theories? The similarities and differences are quite compelling. In this paper, you will hear about them and their ideas. The suggestion for educators and teachers alike has been followed thoroughly by Piaget and Vygotsky. This purpose of this paper is to bring to light the variances and comparability of the two. As we move on in looking at the differences and similarities, you will notice both men have one main common ground, children.

Summary of Piaget and Vygotsky Theories Beginning with the theory of Piaget, he maintained that children have their understanding of ideas, how things around them are formed into educational examples and engaging in activities. As Vygotsky’s theory, he maintained children learn through personal interactions. This shows the theories differ but, there are also similarities to be brought out. The similarities are few, but they are there, and it helps to have different people working together for the sake of children.

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Similarities It shows in both theories brought on by Piaget and Vygotsky; they agree children can obtain knowledge through social interaction.

“Piaget and Vygotsky both put also a great emphasis on the importance of action on the genesis of the diverse forms of intelligence, and on all functions of consciousness.” As a person tries to understand the similarities, he or she will see when a child is involved in learning effectively, he or she will put the knowledge together with knowing the activity he or she is doing.

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Another similarity between Piaget and Vygotsky, both believed the hands-on technique helps children in the learning process from as early as weeks old to their teenage years. When children interact socially, they can gain knowledge from others including those in authority, for example, parents or guardians, teachers, and their peers. Differences Starting with Piaget, his theory is more comprehensive. Learning for children come in different stages. Each of these stages helps the child learn as they grow. Children are illustrative. They learn by doing and touching, encouragement to maintain a balance helps them to move forward. Physical and social surrounding is vital how children learn. When children are actively involved in their learning, the more they understand. The child learns on their own with repetition.

Spencer Pulaski (1981) stated “Assimilation continually balanced by accommodation, the outgoing adjusting process of reaching out to the environment. The listening child begins to babble in response to conversation around him and gradually approximates the words he is assimilating”. Electronic device usage should be a minimum. Lastly understanding the difference which is from Vygotsky shows children are very much social learners. As a child starts to embrace the learning environment and their interaction with other people, they are learning socially as well as culturally. This type of learning helps the child’s inner-thought. As the child remembers what he or she has learned, they stop and think this is what I did once before. They begin to understand the process. Often when I child is doing a project, he or she is not able to do it on his or her own but, once they get the help from an older person who has more knowledge in the task, the child can get help, and this gives the child the ability to understand the project. “A computer is seen as an educational tool, it is thought that computer use is beneficial.

The data appears to support Vygotsky’s theory of social cognitive development, which considers computers with developmentally appropriate software as physical and cultural tools that expand mental tools among young children” . A Better Understanding Who is wrong or right? There is not a correct answer to this question. It depends on the child and his or her environment. If a child is an only child and he or she plays alone, it does not mean the child is learning the right or wrong way, he or she is learning the way they know how. Remember to make sure the child is learning in many aspects of a learning environment. Do not keep a child in one area. Socially, physically, mentally, a child will learn on his or her own time. We understand that children are naturally curious and will find ways of learning.


Finally, we know both theories have proven to work for children. A child should be able to learn different ways. It is the responsibility of the adult to help the child with his or her learning process. Both theories are useful for both parents and teachers. The adult can use the Piaget theory or the Vygotsky theory and regardless of the choice the child will learn. The child can learn by copying other people, and this goes in with both theories.


  1. Lourenco, O. (2012). Piaget and Vygotsky: Many Resemblances, and a crucial difference. Retrieved September 12, 2018, from
  2. Semmar, Y., & Al-Thani, T. (2015, August). Piagetian and Vygotskian Approaches to Cognitive Development in the Kindergarten Classroom. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5(2), 4. doi:10.5539/jedp.v5n2p1
  3. Spencer Pulaski, M. A. (1981). Understanding Piaget: An Introduction to Children's Cognitive Development. New York, NY: Harper and Row.
Updated: Aug 11, 2021
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