Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Biography

Categories: BiographyImmigration


Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an Indian-American author and poet born on July 29, 1956 . Her themes include the Indian experience , contemporary America, women, immigrations , history, myth and the joys and challenges of living in a multicultural world. Subsequently, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni has built herself up among the main scholars of Indian legacy writing in English. All that she expounds on is India. Her new style of writing is different from many other Indian writers as it is much less conservative than Indian literature has been in the past.

Ladies depicted by her are abused, enslaved and underestimated because of the strength of male.

Some portion of her writing is autobiographical in nature as it deals with her personal experiences in India and America. Born and raised in Kolkata in an upper middle class family, Divakaruni migrated to USA in 1976.

The early years in the US were perhaps the most troublesome period od her life since she experienced herself as a sufferer of racial and cultural discrimination in the US.

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She concentrates upon the notion of self-identity within a larger society. She focuses on characters that are explorers and adventurers, rather than refugees and outcasts. Divakaruni proves to be one of the most significant Indian woman novelists composing on women's issues from the perspectives of immigration.

She additionally clarifies that the conventional ideas of stereotypes are being changed. She also brings into light the Indian woman residing abroad and here struggle for identity. Divakaruni has published novels in multiple genres including realistic fiction, historical fiction, magical realism, myth and fantasy.

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Her notable works include The Mistress of Spices, The Palace of Illusions, Queen of Dreams, Oleander Girl, One Amazing Thing, Before We Visit the Goddess, the short story collection Arranged Marriage etc.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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