Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health

Categories: CareDutyHealth

Young People’s Workforce Unit 54: Principles for implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting. By Kerry Derbyshire. Kerry Derbyshire Unit Number: 4227 - 054 What is a “Duty of Care”? 1. 1 Preventing mistakes and accidents Preventing mistakes and accidents As a child care provider we are expected to have a Duty of care within our work setting, we are all given the appropriate attention, watching for potential hazards, preventing accidents or any mistakes that might occur.

They will be taught good hygiene and to help promote good health by being made aware of the importance of this, e.

g. healthy diet, washing hands before dealing with food, wash hands after we have blown our noses. We will be guiding the children in the right direction of being positive role models, and helping them make informative and wise choices. We will also be following my necessary steps which will be in my policy and taking the appropriate action when a child becomes ill, this is to stop the infection from spreading in my setting and keep the children safe.

If a duty of care is not met in a role that requires it, you may be held accountable for allowing negligence to occur.

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Good Hygiene Good Hygiene Making informative and wise choices Making informative and wise choices Watching out for preventing Hazards Watching out for preventing Hazards Positive Role Models Positive Role Models Neglect Neglect Duty of care Duty of care Giving fair and appropriate attention to each child Giving fair and appropriate attention to each child Kerry Derbyshire Unit Number: 4227 - 054 Safeguarding and protection of individuals 1. 2

My duty of care contributes to safeguarding and protecting individuals, by protecting the children and keep them safe at all times and protect them from significant harm, by doing this I do risk assessments within my settings and is looked at, and updated on a regular basis.

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The (EYFS) The Early Years Foundation Stage sets out the general Welfare requirements for safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare. Promote the good health of the children; take necessary steps to stop infection from spreading, and take appropriate action when the child becomes ill.

Promote the good health of the children; take necessary steps to stop infection from spreading, and take appropriate action when the child becomes ill. Safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Safeguard and promote the welfare of children. As a Childcare Provider I must always take necessary steps: Ensure that adults looking after the children, or having unsupervised access to them, are suitable to do so. Ensure that adults looking after the children, or having unsupervised access to them, are suitable to do so.

Children’s Behaviour to be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs. Children’s Behaviour to be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs. It’s our legal responsibility to ensure that their provision meets the learning and development requirements and complies with the welfare regulations. Our overall aim of the (EYFS) The Early Years Foundation Stage is to achieve the Every Child Matters. Kerry Derbyshire

Unit Number: 4227 054 Conflict and Dilemmas. 2. 1, 2. 2 Many difficult issues arise when working with young children. You may be faced with potential conflicts and dilemmas. Conflicts is an opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings, Dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives. Dilemma may be: * Local education authority (LEA) – special needs advisors, education welfare officers. Local education authority (LEA) – special needs advisors, education welfare officers.

You suspect a child is being neglected or being abused as they will come in hungry all the time unclean and unexplained marks on their body. You now have a dilemma and you have now reached the point when you have to break confidentiality to report the issue. If you don’t report this issue the child will keep on being abused / neglected and it’s our responsibility to report the issue, this is where you’re safe guarding comes in. There is a wide range of organisations which can provide additional support and advice for those like us working with young children and their families:

Health Services – Paediatricians, health visitors, school nurses. Health Services – Paediatricians, health visitors, school nurses. Social Services Department – Social Workers, Specialist Social Workers Social Services Department – Social Workers, Specialist Social Workers Support & Advice Support & Advice Charities and voluntary organisations – Barnado’s NSPCC, Save the children. Charities and voluntary organisations – Barnado’s NSPCC, Save the children. Kerry Derbyshire Unit Number: 4227 054 2. 1 2. 2 cont. If a child feels unsafe when climbing a climbing frame, this probably because the child may not have these apparatus around them or the child has been put into a safe environment, which can make climbing challenging, so then you would assess the risk, slowly introduce the equipment by either a smaller climbing frame or using other obstacles which results in climbing like a small slide so child still has to use his/her hands and feet to climb, but it’s not too high, so you start of small first, let the child see what he can achieve before he/she wants to go higher, make this an activity you would do on a regular basis to help build up the child’s confidence and self-esteem. Conflict maybe: If child has been recognised having learning difficulties, the childcare provider would bring up the concerns with the parent, but if the parent disagrees with the childcare provider, we would manage the risk, and we would offer support and advice and lead them in the right direction so the child can get more support and organising Common Assessment Framework (CAF) with the parents’ consent, through the (CAF) they can help and assess the child needs this can also be done through the (LEA) Learning Education Authority. * If a member of staff does not like the idea of a two wheel scooter on the playground, but another member of staff thinks it is fine, then this would be managed by completing a risk assessment and then meeting with all the staff to discuss the balance in potential risks and learning development for the children using the equipment. Kerry Derbyshire Unit Number 4227 – 054 2. 3 Additional Support and Advice about Conflicts and Dilemmas

The places I would go for support would be:NCMA NCMA Families Information Services Families Information Services Internet Internet Children’s Centre Children’s Centre Childminder Network Childminder Network Parents Parents Social Care Social Care Ofsted Ofsted Safeguarding Boards Safeguarding Boards Other professionals i. e. Pre-school / nursery Other professionals i. e. Pre-school / nursery Tutors / Assessors Tutors / Assessors Kerry Derbyshire Unit Number 4227 – 054 3. 1, 3. 2 Describe how to respond to complaints and procedures When a person has made a complaint I will always follow my setting procedures and policy (complaint procedure, policy and form copies applied).

If a parent is not happy with something that has happened in my setting Its important to listen and show the parent/ carer, respect and understanding and hear out what the parent/ carer has to say, keep calm and professional and avoid escalation as something that seems so little to us, could be such a big issue to them, complaints sometimes can be resolved my just listening and apologising about the way they feel, conversations may meet their needs and it will go no further. Sometimes you may have complaint in writing if this is the case we have to investigate all complaints relating to the EYFS statutory framework. Depending on the nature of the complaint it will be investigate, written complaints can also be passed on to Ofsted to investigate. Any written records relating to the complaints will be given you both 28 days and kept on file for three years after the child has left the setting. The following Information may be recorded. * Name of the person making the complaint * The EYFS guidance to which complaints relates to * Nature of complaints Action taken in response to the complaint * The outcome of the complaint (how you have improved) * Details of the information and findings that were given to the person making the complaint ( which should have been provided to them within 28 days, including any action taken Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 Additional Support and Advice about Conflicts and Dilemmas 2. 3 When faced with conflicts and dilemmas, immediate support can be found from your work colleagues or manager. In addition to this, outside agencies provide support and advice for employees, parents and young children. These include all the names below that will help you: * NCMA Families Information Services * Childminding Network * Safeguarding Boards * Ofsted * Social Care * Parents * Children’s centre * Internet * Other professionals ie pre school * Tutors / Assessors Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 2. 3 * NCMA now known as PACEY (Professional Association Childcare Early Years) – is an organisation, promoting best practise and supporting childcare professionals, to deliver high standard of care and Learning. * Families Information Services – Provides a range of information on all services available to parents, to help support your child / children up to their 20th Birthday or 25 Birthday if your child / children has a disability. F. I.

S also hold up to date details of local childcare and early years provision in your area. * Childminding Network - A childminding network is made up of a group of registered Childminder who is supported by a network coordinator who is employed to manage the network. * Local Safeguarding Children Boards – (L. S. C. B) gives a statutory responsibility to each locality to have this mechanism in place. (L. S. C. B) are now the key system in every locality of the country for organisations to come together to agree on how they will cooperate with one another to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. * Ofsted – is the office for standards in education, we report directly to Parliament, and we are independent and impartial.

We inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people and those providing education and skills for learners for all ages. Every week, we carry out hundreds of inspections and regularity visits throughout England. And publish the results on the website * Social Care –is a professional who seeks to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of an individual group, or a community. Research is often focused on areas such as human development. * Parents – is a care taker of the off spring in their own species. Children can have one or more parents but only two biological parents. Parents can give good advice and or put children on the right path. Parents are your back bone and will support you when you need it most. Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 2. 3 Children’s centre - The core purpose of children centres is to improve outcomes for young children / children and their families, with a particular focus on the most disadvantaged so children are equipped for life and ready for school, no matter what their background or families circumstances. * Internet – Is a global system of interconnected computer networks, it serves billions of users worldwide. It is a network that consists of millions of public private, business and government networks; the internet carries an extensive range of information, services and resources. * Other professional’s i. e. pre-school – Early education and child care programmes focus on improving children’s health, promoting development and learning.

As early year’s education and child care providers you play a key role in ensuring your childcare programmes offer safe and healthy environments. * Tutors / Assessors – Are qualified teachers who have lots of experience teaching children. They should provide evidence of qualifications and references. You should find a tutor that provides the right recommendation that suits independent child’s / children’s needs. Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 1. 2 I have enclosed my Safeguarding Children’s Policy, as in my policy it shows how I ensure the safety of the children and how I record any incidents, also to whom I would report to if I recognise any child / children who I suspect of being abused.

I believe by having this policy set in place this will make parents/ carers aware what my procedures are. Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 3. 1 / 3. 2 I enclose a Complaints policy, procedure and complaints form, so that parents can read my policy so if they are ever unhappy with what I do or have done, they will know what to do and how I will approach the situation and if this cannot be resolved then there is a complaints form for them to fill in to take further to Ofsted. Kerry Derbyshire Unit 4227 – 054 1. 2 I have enclosed this witness form as my assistant has witnessed that I am safe guarding at all times even when I don’t realise. This also gives evidence that I do my duty of care by keeping the children safe.

Updated: Jul 17, 2020
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