Child Development in the Context of Family and Community

Every child is unique and there is a variety of school programs offered that motivates a child's educational achievement and future careers. Based on my understanding, the Childcare/School is a “microsystem in which children develop” (Berns, 2013, p 205). The child is influenced by the experiences and socialization skills within their household and school environment. For instance, the preschool director of the childcare was interviewed and she mentioned that the childcare motivates families by promoting open houses, conferences, and providing newsletters. This allows parents to view the facility, ask questions, and keeps them updated on their child’s progress.

They also take the opportunity to ask for volunteers from parents in order to continue to promote children's education.

The family is encouraged to create a learning home environment, express high expectations for their child’s achievement and future careers, and become involved at school and in the community (Berns, 2013, p 228). In the childcare, families love to participate in parent committees. They are responsible for special events programs such as graduation, decoration, food, and family fun day.

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The community influences the kind of socializing experiences a child may encounter such as empathy. This can consist of a child raising funds for the homeless, creating gifts bags for nursing home or for hospitalized patients, or learning about the environment by helping to keep the community clean.

The childcare links with the community by providing guest speakers such as cops, firemen, dentists, or Congress spokespersons to show and tell or inviting them to read a story to the children.

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They also provide field trips to a variety of locations such as a museum, library, parks, etc., they also receive funds, equipment donations from different businesses and they provide the school facility for meetings, college classes, and community functions.

In order for educators to enhance the academic experience for a diverse student, they should maintain a strong parent-teacher bond that helps promote healthy child development, particularly for children of low SES. In order to avoid these issues professionals should provide materials in the parents’ language of origin, offer support, and communicate by exploring the families’ cultural practices by visiting their homes and neighborhood. In the childcare, the preschool teacher’s provides a lesson plan based on celebrating traditional holidays. Children dress up the part so they can get a better understanding of the diversity of each culture (Berns, 2013, p 208).

The childcare also gives an assessment to identify children at risk for learning problems and depending on the outcome the childcare determines what resources to provide such as ChildLink.

According to Berns, (2013) “A child with disabilities can be integrated into the classroom with the support of special accommodations by the teacher” (p 215). Consequently, according to the National Center for learning disabilities “As part of their responsibilities required by IDEA, every state must issue state rules or regulations that provide guidance on the implementation of IDEA within the state” (National Center for Learning Disabilities, 2006).

In conclusion, Childcare/School is a “microsystem in which children develop. Furthermore, the family is encouraged to interact with the child, school, and the community. As a result in order to enhance the child’s academic experience, socialization skills, and in order to promote children's education.


Berns, R. M. (2013). Child, family, school & community: Socialization and support, 10th ed. CA: Wadsworth/Thompson.
National Center for Learning Disabilities. (2006, April). IDEA parent guide [PDF Format]. Retrieved from

Updated: Sep 10, 2020
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Child Development in the Context of Family and Community. (2020, Sep 08). Retrieved from

Child Development in the Context of Family and Community essay
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