Charlie Puth – an American Singer, Songwriter And Record Producer

Charlie Puth is one of those celebrities that took advantage of big social media platforms such as YouTube, worked his magic to fame and then leveraged his digital success into a singing career. The pop singer, songwriter, and vlogger is known for his catchy hooks and distinctive falsetto, but not many are aware that he is also the pen behind a number of other successful artists' tunes.

Since 2014, Puth has worked on an extensive amount of material despite having only one album to his credit.

Here are facts you should know about the pop star's journey to fame and how the unlikely mix of YouTube, Ellen DeGeneres, and the Fast and the Furious franchise shuttled him to fame.

The New Jersey native was born on 2 December 1991, in Rumson, NJ. Charlie is the eldest child born to Debra, a music teacher and Charles Puth, a builder and real estate agent. He has a brother Stephen and a sister Mikaela. He first attended Holy Cross School and Forrestdale Middle School and later Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School where he graduated from in 2010. Besides his regular schooling, Charlie also enrolled at Manhattan School of Music Pre-College where he learned jazz piano and classical studies.

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He went on to study music production and engineering, on a full scholarship at Berklee College.

Puth always had an interest in jazz and pop and soon began writing his own songs as well as doing covers of popular songs of famous artists such as Sia, Bruno Mars, Demi Lovato, among others which he uploaded on his YouTube channel Charlies Vlogs.

He soon garnered thousands of followers on his channel such that Ellen DeGeneres took notice of him and brought him on her talk show in 2012. Thereafter, Charlie experienced a major career breakthrough as DeGeneres signed him to her record label eleveneleven.

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This set him on a path to bigger fame as his fan base increased tremendously.

In 2015, Puth released his first song Marvin Gaye under the Atlantic Records label. The song was a commercial success, a top chart climber and one of his most popular works yet. The next year, Charlie released his debut album Nine Track Mind, which also topped charts despite the negative reviews it received. The album was so strained such that it was in fact described as one of the worst-reviewed albums of all time. Nonetheless, Puth unlike many of his peers remains committed to the joys of well-wrought songs and holds a lot of promise for his fans and critics alike.

Puth's biggest hit yet would undeniably be the pop-rap dirge See You Again, the popular soundtrack for Furious 7, which he wrote and co-produced as a tribute to the franchise's late star Paul Walker. The song was one of the most commercially successful singles of the decade, that it earned him six Billboard Music Awards nominations in 2016 of which he won two of the categories.

Besides writing his own hits, Puth has co-written and produced a couple of tracks for artists such as Maroon 5 and One Direction member Liam Payne.

Works cited

  1. Atlantic Records. (n.d.). Charlie Puth. Retrieved from
  2. Berklee College of Music. (n.d.). Charlie Puth. Retrieved from
  3. Billboard. (2016, May 23). Charlie Puth Talks Writing 'See You Again' for 'Fast & Furious': 'It Was My Job to Send This Off'. Retrieved from
  4. Brown, A. (2018, January 30). Charlie Puth: Nine Track Mind. Retrieved from
  5. DeGeneres, E. (2012, September 14). Ellen Meets Viral Pizza Rat Sensation. Retrieved from
  6. Eleveneleven. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from
  7. Fekadu, M. (2016, May 18). Charlie Puth reveals he secretly wrote a hit song for Liam Payne. Retrieved from
  8. Genius. (n.d.). Charlie Puth. Retrieved from
  9. Henderson, C. (2019, December 1). Who Is Charlie Puth? 5 Things to Know About the 'Attention' Singer. Retrieved from
  10. Minsker, E. (2015, April 16). Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa Perform "See You Again" on "Kimmel". Retrieved from
Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Charlie Puth – an American Singer, Songwriter And Record Producer. (2024, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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