Role of Producer in Film Industry

The role of the producer is regarded to be the most complicated and highlight responsible. The role of producer is regarded to be an avid part of filmmaking because problem-solving and time management are the main factors in the industry of filmmaking that makes the world go round. Producers are therefore important professionals in the release of effective masterpieces of filmmaking. This paper aims to analyze and thoroughly evaluate the required tasks of producers in the industry of filmmaking.

The evaluation of key roles and responsibilities of the producer is done on the basis of literary pieces of film critics.

The task of a producer had been divided into many parts with particular terms which are used specifically for the purpose of description of roles and duties of a producer. Many movie watchers would not know what exactly a producer does because a producer is involved in almost every part of the filmmaking. Producer’s main task in to make sure that everything is managed from the biggest money transitions for the production to the smallest arrangement of props to be used.

It is the task of a producer to set goals and targets for each and every member of the filmmaking team (Gates).

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It has often been said that a producer is responsible for whatever task he is assigned. The specification of the task could be signing agreements with singers and cast of actors and actresses or could be making sure of the arrangements for the location. The cast and the working crew all needs to make sure that they are following producer because a production manager takes care of almost everything that is going on a film set.

If even slight difficulty comes in way of any member of the team then it should be solver by producer but when the difficulty arises in the case of a producer then he needs to make sure that he is tackling with the situation himself.

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Thus producers are effective managers and this ability cannot be assigned to any other person but to person who is born with this ability (Patmore). A producer is to make sure that almost every significant part of film is being done carefully. If the term producer has to be synonymously used or replaced with any other term then the term manager could easily be used.

Every task needs management and effective planning so that a lot of creative brainstorming is done carefully. There are some particular steps that have been designed for the purpose of effective production process. The reason of giving the role of a producer a structure is due to the fact that there are some of the tasks that are required to be done before arranging the dates of the film release and that would be booking a venue and sending out invitations along with effective marketing.

The structure of the roles and responsibilities of a producer needs to be following systematically so that there are no flaws in managing things and tasks. Let us now discuss the steps and responsibilities of a producer in a broader spectrum of filmmaking (Bordwell). • Creative Ideas: Initial Step towards Management: The base of every movie is the effective and creative idea that needs to be planned more wisely. The paper work of understanding the idea or abstract is the initial step that needs to done carefully by the producer. The creative idea building is not done solely by the producer.

The first step is accompanied by the director or writer as well. The idea or abstract must be planned and understood by the producer. Creation of idea into a script or paper of project is not the completion of the first step. The secondary task of the producer on the very first step is to make sure that the plan is clearly evaluated and contains a great deal of possible way outs for the time when managing things cam become complex. Evaluation of a plan is another important qualifying requirement in the process of filmmaking. • Pros and Cons: Evaluation of Plans:

The evaluation of the plans that needs to be set after the abstract writing includes affecting calculations. Here calculation refers to the budgeting. The cost must be effectively checked according to the market and this needs surveys and very thorough research. The comparison of the rates with other movies needs to be located very broadly. We can take examples from the past as there have many movies from different genres which have taken a great deal of budgeting. If we take an example of a classical movie then we can take the example of Cleopatra that is considered to be the most expensive movie of its time.

Later comes to genre of action and technology where Terminator 2 has taken more than $200 million. Similarly, movies like Titanic laid a great deal of dollars for its success through computerized special effects. Thus a producer needs to be highly • Abstract into Mere Reality: Once the budgeting part is done and clarified on a larger scale than the process of developing the ideas and putting a presence to the imagining characters takes place. The development to these ideas greatly conquers half of the task of a producer.

The budget calls in the process of managing the script and outline of the project that helps the producer to get on to his next step. The budgeting leads to the step of arranging necessary budget for the purpose of financing film project. Before getting started with the arrangement of finance, it is important to have a copy or outline that could be shown to the financers so that they can trust on the project and profits. Thus the production manager needs to make sure that the development of this idea is completely achieved without any flaw.

The attainment of project outline thus leads to getting good deal of financers. It has been said that Oscar award winner producers do not need to prepare an outline and sample because they get financers for their film projects quite easily without any toil moil because it is important for the producers to prepare an effective portfolio to achieve awards and more importantly Oscars and Grammy (Thurlow). • Finance Me: The most complicated task for a producer is to gain financers and expecting the budget to be clearly fulfilled with the amount of money that had been financed by the financers.

The production manger to be really careful at this step of the production structure because it is the most complicated task. If the producer had been successful in meeting the requirements of the earlier step than it could be a little easy for the producer to get a great deal of finance to meet the budget requirements. The most horrifying nature of this step is the fact that delays are almost the first possibility. The financers often agree to finance the film project but what ruins the speed of the completion of the process is the fact that delays occur during the financing process.

The delay could be felt in the availability of the cast or the political and financial problems of the country. Another complexity in the process of financing is the fact that the financers can pull out their money any time they would want. This is due to the fact that financers predict lower profits. Thus a producer would need to start all over again. Therefore it is recommended to the producers to make a back up plan that could help him save time and managing time more effectively by making sure that the deals and agreements are done without flaws and are confirmed (Worthington). • Casting, Crewing, Scheduling and Briefing:

The producer needs to be sure that once the financers are ready to pay hard work and then starts the action part. A lot of lists need to be settled without any confusion. The production manager is responsible for making a tough team that is reliable. Producer must look into the consequences when casting and crewing because a producer is not suppose to be taking any type of risks when casting because cast holds the turning point of the script and movie. There should be no compromise on casting and crewing. Budgeting should be done in a way that helps the producer select the right choices.

Directors and writers may inset new requirement list in producer’s memo therefore a producer is suppose to keep an open ear and eye to manage and arrange. Scheduling and briefing is the essences of the ground work. Even a tea boy needs to know that what exactly is going in the studio and only a thorough schedule can help others in this matter. Producer should have the ability to gain attention even from the A grade actor because in this way he can fruitfully brief every character and team member of the project (Barnwell, The Fundamentals of Film Making).

• Shooting, Editing, Recording and What Not? The process of production management continues till the very last scene of the movie in the theatre for its first premier. Shooting events need locations and all the technology that is to be done. Casts and team members would continue to ask and producer would need to arrange as much as he asked for. Editing and recording can only be done when the producer is available in the lab and studio. It is producer who is aware what to be cut and what to be added as there could be a great deal of re-shots and mixing re-recorded tracks.

Thus a producer is responsible to re0schedule the shots and recording (Barnwell). • Conclusion: Through the above analysis and evaluation of the key roles and task of a producer or more synonymously, production manager, it could be said that the producer can be regarded as the backbone of the filmmaking industry. An able producer can easily win Oscar and Grammy in no time due to the fact that he can manage time quite quickly and more effectively. The management and production is the key requirement that is required to a high extent from a producer in the film industry.

Works Cited Barnwell, J. Production Design: Architects of the Screen. London: Wallflower, 2004. —. The Fundamentals of Film Making. London: AVA Publishing, 2008. Bordwell, D. Film Art. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006. Gates, R. Production Management for Film and Video. Oxford: Focal Press, 1999. Patmore, C. Get Started in Short Filmmaking. London: A & C Black, 2005. Thurlow, C. Making Short Films. Basingstoke: Berg, 2008. Worthington, C. Producing. London: AVA Publishing, 2008.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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