Character voicing: Antony voicing his own ambitions after the civil war

Categories: Julius Caesar

Concept 1:

He describes what he views as the utopian government style that would benefit the Romans the most. Promises to the Romans of plans and ideas he has for them.

Great leadership- dominant power political and physical, wealth in becoming a Roman citizen, riches, material wealth, all Romans will be seen as noble, recognition for helping beat the conspirators

Concept 2:

Describing Caesar and Brutus' leadership styles

Both had the aspiration of making Rome a better place

Their preferences and perspectives of a political spectrum were opposing

Concept 3:

How to incorporate those traits into making Rome a better place

Antony is a nobleman, so he acts based on his opinion on what would benefit Rome

Had respect for both Caesar and Brutus for taking the initiative to act for the common good.


*Gives a final phrase about the guaranteed success of Rome with Antony ruling*

Silence, fellow Romans! The times of war hath ended, as mighty Brutus and his conspirators hath been defeated.

A new generation is sparking within the heart of rome, as the faulty heart hath been stabbed along with its sins.

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I, thee flush heart, wilt leadeth the noblest of rome to greater power and wealth, as we wend upon new horizons together to make Rome the most developed country known to man.

Both Brutus and Caesar madeth had mistakes in their different type of leadership when they were alive. Brutus was too invested in acting towards the benefit of Rome, while Caesar wanted all of Rome to himself, yet they were both honourable men.

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My respect for those two, as friends and leaders, transcends even the divine god itself, but I shall not follow the same path as them. Dignified Romans! Here me out!

Why would thou romans not submit to my rule if they want wealth and fame? Who would be so audacious that they will not pursue the ways of a true Roman, like Brutus and Caesar were? Through my leadership and your support, molding rome into a more powerful, stronger, and wealthy nation will certainly be within proximity.

What I lack from both Caesar and Brutus is the initiative and the courage to act upon my will, despite initiating the civil strife against the conspirators. Now, with a common goal at hand, we can contribute collectively to shape Rome into a utopian empire in the minds of the general crowd. Spoils from the war will be distributed equally to the citizens, and those who fought along the triumvirates will obtain the recognition that they deserve. Furthermore, I will establish a democratic operating system where everyone can be respected, have rights, and treated morally. To make this aspiration a reality, I will do everything in my power, pay any price, overcome any hardships, and oppose any foe to ensure the wellbeing of my men.

Remember, Romans. We shall move onward. We shall enforce our dominance. We shall prosper from our resources, and we shall continue our lives as distinguished individuals. That being said, let us work together to achieve greater heights, as we con


Mark Antony, a good friend of Julius' Caesar, decides to carry down his will of ruling over rome when he passes away. His motivation for speaking is reflected upon his resolute bond with Caesar and his respect for Brutus. After witnessing the two opposing leadership styles, Antony desires to inherit the position of king and establish an effective governmental system that would earn the appreciation of all the other Romans.

Shakespeare utilizes the death of Caesar and the vengeance of Brutus to initiate a rapid increase in character development in Antony. When Caesar was murdered by the conspirators, he recognized the harsh reality he was living in and started to take action according to his own justice. This rapid growth in maturity enables Antony to develop the ambition to rule over rome to overlook the general mob of people. Resultantly, the amount of responsibility and his position as one of the triumvirates allows him to become more experienced in directing the citizens. Since Antony wants his nation to prosper, the diversity of possible ideas allows a wide variety of insight on what can be expressed.

Since Antony is talking to the general crowd regarding his own ambitions, using prose would be more effective in portraying the mood. The plebeians are not educated enough to comprehend poetry efficiently, so the usage of prose will help convey the message and prevent any misunderstandings. The general mob is also predominantly attracted by the greatest outburst of emotion within accessibility, so Antony's expressive dedication will be capable in manipulating the crowd into submission.

The first figurative device used within the speech is the personification in the line,"A new generation is sparking within the heart of rome, as the faulty heart hath been stabbed along with its sins". The heart, which is the most important organ found within the human body, is utilized to represent the core of rome. The statement of the heart being stabbed refers back to the time where the conspirators upthrew the leadership of Julius Caesar, enabling a time of chaos for the citizens. It also references how Brutus, Caesar, and cassius were all killed by getting stabbed by a sword, which emphasizes Antony's triumph during the civil strife against the conspirators. This emphasizes Antony's dominance as a triumvirate, and his capabilities in leading the romans.

The second literary device used within the speech are rhetorical questions, which are the lines, "Why would thou romans not submit to my rule if they want wealth and fame? Who would be so audacious that they will not pursue the ways of a true Roman, like Brutus and Caesar were? ". These questions provide thought towards the general crowd, and reaffirms their loyalty towards Antony. The questions also emphasize the fact that there is no reason not to follow Antony unless you don't want to benefit from the collective effort of all the people.

The last two literary devices used in the speech are examples of Asyndeton and Anaphora. The Asyndeton is found within the line "I will do everything in my power, pay any price, overcome any hardships, and oppose any foe to ensure the wellbeing of my men", and the Anaphora in the lines "We shall move onward. We shall enforce our dominance. We shall prosper from our resources, and we shall continue our lives as distinguished individuals." Both devices indicate Antony's confidence and his willingness to overcome any hardship for the greater good of his people. Along with the utilage of emotion, this allows the romans to entrust their leader with their country, as they know that his actions are reflected on the benefit of Rome.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Character voicing: Antony voicing his own ambitions after the civil war. (2019, Dec 20). Retrieved from

Character voicing: Antony voicing his own ambitions after the civil war essay
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