Can the world sustain our increasing dependency over electricity?

Electricity is the means through which all the equipments we use operate. Though there are many sources of energy, almost all the equipments in use today need them to be converted to electrical energy before use. Electricity allows modern appliances and more convenience in our life. It has made life easier and quicker for us. Our current lifestyle is totally dependent on electricity so much so that our life would literally go to waste had there been no electricity. However, our increasing dependency over electricity has led us to such a condition that the world cannot sustain our demands.

From the moment we wake up to the moment we sleep, whatever we do is directly related to electricity.

A morning shower needs electricity to heat the water and without hot water, shower in the winter morning is almost impossible, well at least we have made it impossible for ourselves. How did the people take a morning shower in the winter before electricity was not discovered? It gives us a chill even thinking about it.

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Similarly, our night life would be completely devastated if there were no electricity. A shutdown of electricity due to technical problems for even an hour would make us feel the shutdown was for more than a day. Also, our dependency over electricity is increasing exponentially each day. We buy some fancy new gadget or a larger T.V. whenever they arrive in the market. This habit of ours has increased electricity use and consequently increased unnecessary electricity demands.

The problem with being dependent on electricity is the fact that much of the electricity we use is generated in coal powered energy plants.

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When coal is burned, greenhouse gases are emitted increasing pollution and global warming. Also, coal is a non renewable energy resource. In fact all the fossil fuels and petroleum products are non renewable. Thus, in time these will be used up and going by our increasing electricity and petroleum demands the time will come soon, probably in around 30 years.

So what should we do to enable us to sustain our increasing dependency over electricity? Not using electricity at all is not a viable option. We have to develop alternative ways of generating electricity. We can also cut the use of electricity by using it only when needed. But this is not going to solve our problem of diminishing energy resources. Cutting the use can certainly reduce pollution and global warming but in time, probably 5 to 10 years later than the predicted 30 years time, the resources are going to be used up. Thus the need of the hour is certainly to develop and use alternative sources of energy.

There are many alternative sources of energy. Solar power, wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, etc are such alternative sources. Among all the alternative sources, solar power has the most potential. Since sun is the ultimate source of energy, direct conversion of solar energy to electricity is the most efficient. All the other sources such as wind power, hydroelectricity, tidal energy, etc are derived form of solar energy. However, all the other sources are also renewable and effective. The leaders of the world must unite and spend adequate budget on research of these renewable and green energy sources. This will lead to development of a cheap and efficient production method of electricity and consequently the world will be able to sustain our increasing energy demands. The current problem of expensiveness of these alternative sources can thus be easily avoided if the world can divert the leaders into doing something good for the benefit of the human race and the benefit of our only home "EARTH" other than indulging in nuclear power talks.

Summing up, the world cannot sustain our increasing electricity demands if alternative sources of energy are not researched and utilised. The leaders of the world must get their head straight and think not just about increasing nuclear arsenal. They must put all their effort into making a greener earth and ensure that our future generations' energy demands are fulfilled.


> Electricity is the means through which all the equipments we use operate

> Our current lifestyle is totally dependent on electricity so much so that our life would literally go to waste had there been no electricity

> The problem with being dependent on electricity is the fact that much of the electricity we use is generated in coal powered energy plants

> Sun the ultimate source of energy

> The leaders of the world must get their head straight and think not just about increasing nuclear arsenal. They must put all their effort into making a greener earth and ensure that our future generations' energy demands are fulfilled

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Can the world sustain our increasing dependency over electricity? essay
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