The Dynamics of Teaching: Balance Between Strict and Easygoing Approaches

In the ongoing debate over the efficacy of different teaching styles, opinions diverge, with some advocating for the effectiveness of strict discipline and others endorsing a more relaxed, easygoing approach. While the former emphasizes the need for discipline to foster effective learning, I contend that an easygoing teaching style holds more merit. This essay explores the reasons behind this assertion, delving into the stimulation of student interest, improved communication, and the positive impact on students' personalities.

Stimulating Interest in Learning

As the proverb goes, "interest is the best teacher." An easygoing teacher has the ability to cultivate students' genuine interest in the subject matter, which, in turn, fuels motivation and energy for learning.

Take a challenging subject as an example; an easygoing and humorous teacher employs vivid examples and jokes to create a more engaging learning environment. This approach not only eases the tension associated with difficult topics but also enhances comprehension. Particularly in primary school settings, where the emphasis on curiosity and creativity is paramount, a more relaxed teaching method proves instrumental in fostering effective learning outcomes.

Moreover, an easygoing teacher's approach to difficult subjects involves providing a plethora of vivid examples and injecting humor into lessons.

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This not only eases the tension associated with challenging topics but also enhances comprehension. The age and mentality of primary school students are taken into consideration, and the loose teaching method is tailored to increase students’ curiosity and creativity. In this manner, students are not only learning more effectively but are also developing a genuine interest in the subjects being taught.

Enhanced Communication and Student Confidence

Compared to their strict counterparts, easygoing teachers create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing uncertainties without fear of retribution.

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Drawing from personal experience, when faced with a challenging problem, I found that an easygoing teacher encouraged me to seek help without fear of criticism. This contrasts starkly with the potential blame and discouragement that a strict teacher might impose. The relationship between an easygoing teacher and students mirrors that of a supportive friendship, fostering confidence and more efficient learning.

Furthermore, the positive impact of easygoing teachers on student-teacher communication cannot be overstated. Students, under the tutelage of an easygoing teacher, are more likely to engage actively in discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification on complex topics. This open communication channel not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also nurtures a sense of trust and camaraderie between the teacher and students.

Shaping Outstanding Personalities

Another compelling aspect of easygoing teaching styles is their influence on students' personalities. Beyond imparting knowledge, easygoing teachers contribute to the development of traits such as humor, collaboration, and geniality. Research indicates that individuals with easygoing dispositions are more likely to actively participate in group discussions and offer assistance to their peers. The positive influence of an easygoing teacher extends beyond the academic realm, shaping students into individuals with remarkable personal characteristics that contribute to their future success.

Moreover, the influence of easygoing teachers on students' personalities extends beyond the classroom. Students who experience an easygoing teaching approach are more likely to develop positive traits such as empathy, adaptability, and effective communication skills. These qualities are not only crucial for academic success but also serve as foundational attributes for future professional and personal achievements.

In conclusion, the balance between strict and easygoing teaching styles is a nuanced one, with each approach offering unique advantages. However, the benefits associated with an easygoing teaching style, including the stimulation of interest, enhanced communication, and the shaping of outstanding personalities, underscore its effectiveness in fostering a positive and conducive learning environment. Striking this balance ensures not only academic success but also the holistic development of students, preparing them for future challenges.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Dynamics of Teaching: Balance Between Strict and Easygoing Approaches. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

The Dynamics of Teaching: Balance Between Strict and Easygoing Approaches essay
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