Being Young in Today`s Society

Categories: Texting

In order for society to progress, it must change constantly. New changes mean that we have to update ourselves in knowledge related to new technologies which will lead to a better future for the society because everything will be so simplified and easier to get.

Today's society, especially for the younger generations, have many advantages such as: easy access to any type of information at any time, better communication interaction, and improving lifestyle. Compared to the generations of the early 20th century, those factors were difficult to obtain due to lack of technology advancements.

In today's world, we know what is happening around us thanks to television and even social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Now days, we are aware of the exterior, like the changes of temperature, the crimes near us, new products arrivings, discoveries of diseases, and even remedies on how to lose weight, all thanks to the electronic devices like telephones, tablets, laptops, and television.

Also, whenever we want to do something new, or just don't know how to do something, with a simple click we can go to Google and look for it in less than a second.

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Today's young people have a huge advantage because they have the world on their hands, and have access to pretty much everything they wish.

On the other hand, back to the early 1900s when there was no invention such as the television and the rest of the electronic devices, the only source of delivering information was the newspapers.

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And whenever someone wanted to know something, they will go to the libraries and look to encyclopedias or books to find out their answers.

Although in both times, in the early 20th century (1900) and 21st century (today), we are still doing the same thing, the big difference is the time consumed to do the tasks. Think about it, would you rather spend one hour (at least) finding the biography of Albert Einstein and collecting the most important facts of him, or do the same task searching it up in Google and find all the information in less than a second?

Communication today is something that has advanced humongously, a communication that is much faster than before. Currently, we communicate with others via online more than we do in face-to-face, and although we are not physically interacting with that person, it is easier to contact them at any time.

Nowadays we have personal cell phones, where we can save the phone number of others and whenever something important happens or even something bad, you no longer need to wait until you see that person to tell them. With a simple text you can deliver all the information you wish and they will receive in the second you send it, or if that's too much, you can either facetime them (video call) or just a regular call.

Even better, we can communicate being miles apart from each other; it doesn't matter if two different people are in different countries, they will still be "close" to each other thanks to telecommunications. Looking back at the communication of the early 20th century, instead of text messages, they will send letters through postal service.

It will take approximately two weeks to receive the letter of your sender, and that's only for a 109-mile trip. Although it was still communication between others, once again the time consumed takes a big part in this. Today's generations have access to communicate to whoever, whatever, and whenever they want to.

Today's society has a better lifestyle due to the improvements of technology. Not only the internet itself, but also all the electrical things such as cars, microwaves, stoves, and refrigerators that simplify society. Nowadays we can travel faster thanks to cars and aeroplanes, it takes a couple of hours to get to other cities or even countries. Thanks to refrigerators we can keep food stored for longer time without it getting damaged.

Electric stoves and microwaves have become a big part of our society because thanks to those things we can cook things faster, in big portions, and actually with a satisfactory favor. In comparison to the transportation and the food from the early 20th century, we can say that this generation lives in another world. Back in the 20th century, the only source of transportation was bicycles and some railroads, and of course they both were faster than just walking but still not that fast enough like the cars we have today.

Stoves weren't that simple as the ones we have today. They were way smaller, and it will take hours to cook something, so once again, the time consumed is the only differentiation between both of the times. Back in the day, the portion of food that was made that day, had to finish it because there was no such thing as the refrigerators where you could store the food for the next day.

All these factors came to contribute to the necessity of simplification in life, and although it took almost a century to change, we expect even more for future generations.

We are currently living a great information revolution without realizing it and without fully knowing the technology that surrounds us. The new technologies, related to our environment, are streamlining, optimizing, and perfecting some activities that we carry out in our daily lives.

By each generation that passes we are becoming more and more simplified which will lead to a better future. Although we need to take into consideration that even though our society is going to be more "simple," it doesn't mean that we are not going to work hard to make that happen.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Being Young in Today`s Society. (2019, Nov 30). Retrieved from

Being Young in Today`s Society essay
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