Assignment Verbal and Non Verbal Communication

Answer 1.1. A primary industry is one that cultivates and exploits natural resources, such as agriculture or mining. A secondary industry takes the outputs of primary industries and converts them to consumer and capital goods. Examples of secondary industries are textiles and electronics. A tertiary industry is in the service sector of the economy. Examples of tertiary industries are banking and education.

Answer 1.2. A capital good is a durable good that is used in production of goods or services Capital goods are acquired by a society by saving wealth which can be invested in the means of production.

Individuals, organizations and governments use capital goods in the production of other goods or commodities. Capital goods include factories, machinery, tools, equipment, and various buildings which are used to produce other products for consumption. Capital goods, then, are products which are not produced for immediate consumption; rather, they are objects that are used to produce other goods and services. These types of goods are important economic factors because they are the key to developing a positive return from manufacturing other products and commodities.

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Answer 1.3. Generally production quantity is inversely related to product variety. A factory that produces a large variety of products will produce a
smaller quantity of each. A company that produces a single product will produce a large quantity.

Answer 1.4. Manufacturing capability refers to the technical and physical limitations of a manufacturing firm and each of its plants. Three categories of capability include technological processing capability, physical size and weight, and production capacity.

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Answer 1.5. Polymers, ceramics and metals are three basic categories of materials.

Answer 1.6. A shaping process changes the geometry of the work material (machining or forging). A surface processing operation does not alter the geometry, but instead alters the properties and/or appearance of the surface of the work (painting or plating).

Answer 1.7. A shaping process changes the geometry of the work material (machining or forging). A surface processing operation does not alter the geometry, but instead alters the properties and/or appearance of the surface of the work (painting or plating).

Answer 1.8. Batch production is where groups, lots, or batches are processed together through the manufacturing operations. All units in the batch are processed at a given station before the group proceeds to the next station. In a medium or low quantity production situation, the same machines are used to produce many types of products.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Assignment Verbal and Non Verbal Communication essay
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