As stated the aim of this study is to investigate on how

Categories: Goals In Life

As stated, the aim of this study is to investigate on how to design a shoe center in a more hospitable and efficient way both for the public users and the shoemaker of the city. The survey design will be used for this research and will administer to a selected sample of the population, specifically, the shoemakers and citizens of Marikina. This will be achieved through secondary research and primary research.

The primary research will involve the management of a questionnaire and in-depth interviews which will seek to collect data on current practices and opinions with regards to the process of planning a footwear training facility for Marikina.

The respondents who will be involved mostly are the shoemakers who have mastered the craft of shoemaking. In a form of discussion, the interviews will be taken individually with each expert in their own time of convenience and interest on the subject. The goal is to complete all the interviews in a span of 2 and a half weeks with 1-hour discussion for each respondent.

The secondary research will be based on the available sources that deal with the same study considering how other existing research and production centers were designed in the perspective of architecture.

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This will include foreign and local examples of the corresponding type of facility and analyzation on the application of design elements, patterns, and solutions. Later on, these will justify the decision making in the shoe center design concept.

Questionnaires will also be generated to gather data. These will administer the citizens of Marikina city, in order to obtain insights and opinions about the topic with a different view.

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This process will be held online for much easier access in a course of 1 week to complete so that the selected respondents wouldn't be forced to answer quickly without giving a careful thought about it.

Descriptive research will also be involved. This is a method to gain information relating to the current status in order to describe the issues of what exists presently (Fortes, 2013). Observations will be done by visiting an existing local shoe training center, specifically, the Philippine Footwear Academy in Marikina in order to gain knowledge on the common activities and the flow of shoemaking process inside the facility. Other than that, is to be familiarized with the types of equipment that they use throughout the procedure.

The ideal site was selected on the basis of characteristics derived from the architectural precedents in the literature review.

Some of the following criteria are based on The Sustainable Sites Handbook, a book published in 2012, distributed in the U.S. providing in-depth information related to sustainable site design.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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As stated the aim of this study is to investigate on how. (2019, Dec 01). Retrieved from

As stated the aim of this study is to investigate on how essay
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