Art and Philippine Literature

Categories: ArtCulturePhilippines

How the Subject Philippine Literature Help the TIP Graduate Attributes? Many important things can be learned in the study of Philippine literature. Studying Philippine literature is important because these are reflections of history. Works of art and literature are not separate from history. In fact, these are intricately intertwined along with the contradictions in the society in a given point in time. Works of art and literature do not stand by themselves. Writers and artists are not creators who fashion words and works.

These texts and pieces of art are products of the political institutions and ideological stance of the writers which are shaped by the social conditions.

We, students, study literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage. We cannot appreciate something that we do not understand. Through a study of our literature, we can trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our forefathers. Then we can understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino and future professionals.

Like other races of the world, we need to understand that we have a great and noble tradition which can serve as the means to assimilate other cultures.

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Through such a study, we will realize our literary limitations conditioned by certain historical factors and we can take steps to overcome them. We will also learn the value of life and how can we interact with other people properly. Above all, as Filipinos, who truly love and take pride in our own culture, we have to manifest our deep concern for our own literature and this we can do by studying the literature of our country.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Art and Philippine Literature. (2018, Oct 30). Retrieved from

Art and Philippine Literature essay
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